Saturday, December 18, 2010

Muslims profit from terrorism: WikiLeaked cable from UK says Muslims are “key audience” and “top priority” for charm offensive because of terrorism

Reference ID: 10LONDON268

Created: 2010-02-05 12:12

Released: 2010-12-14 21:09


Origin: Embassy London

INFO  LOG-00   AID-00   AMAD-00  CIAE-00  INL-00   DODE-00  PERC-00  
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R 051210Z FEB 10

C O N F I D E N T I A L LONDON 000268



E.O. 12958: DECL: 01/25/2020

REF: (A) STATE 127215 (B) STATE 1183

Classified By: LDAVIS

¶1. (C) Summary: Although people of Muslim faith make up only
3-4 percent of the UK's population, outreach to this key
audience is vital to U.S. foreign policy interests in the UK
and beyond. Embassy London Muslim engagement activities
comprise a counter-radicalization strategic plan, public
diplomacy programming, and Ambassadorial outreach to address
diverse audiences of varied national origin. This is a top
Mission priority. End summary.

Source: (Switzerland)

Comments: Muslims gets all the attention, preferential treatment and rewards, because of terrorism in their community.

Maybe this is the reason why the problem of terrorism is persistent and widespread in that community.

Its like a spoiled kid that misbehaves to get attention and whatever it wants, and is rewarded for it. (The kid has other underlying problems too and isn't misbehaving only for attention. Even when it isn't looking for attention it beats up others for no reason.)

They probably enjoy all that extra attention and getting their egos massaged and being told how wonderful they are. (Theses sorts of homage no doubt further fuel their supremacist beliefs and delusions of grandeur, when in reality they are the worst and the least deserving in the sense that they aren't getting all these for some positive achievements. They haven't earned it. If anything, they have only extorted it.)

And it will also encourage further bad behavior and blackmail in the future. They will be saying, "Give us what we want or there will be terrorism" or "We will only fight terror if you give us what we want", every time they want something.

Keep in mind also that there is blackmail and extortion by terrorists kidnapping people (or Somali pirates hijacking ships) for ransom.

Some previous similar or related stories:

“Don't reward bad behaviour.” “A club is the only medicine for a mad dog” North Korea – Strategies that should also be adopted against Islamists [A better way of dealing]

Muslims profit from terror; New US military aid for Pakistan, on top of annual 2 billion, 7.5 billion pledged and 400 million flood aid [Muslims get aid because of terrorism while others who need and deserve help even more are ignored because they don't have the problem of terrorism. It is also questionable whether this bribery approach is working or making things worse.]

$2 billion more in US military aid for a Pakistan that doesn't fight terror [The money might even end up being used to fund terrorists in Afghanistan and India]

Al-Qaeda in North Africa (AQIM), shopping for weapons with kidnap ransom money [Rewarding terror just makes it worse.]

Somali pirates get a record US 9 million dollars in ransom for oil tanker Samho Dream, and are getting more violent

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