Monday, December 27, 2010

Suicide bomber wearing burqa (allegedly a woman) kills at least 43 and wounds about 100, mostly members of anti-Taliban Salarzai tribe, queuing for aid from UN's World Food Program in Pakistan

From AFP,

The blast occurred in Khar, the main town of lawless Bajaur tribal district, once a stronghold of Taliban militants who have carried out several bombings and suicide attacks in the area, which is near the Afghanistan border.

A suicide bomber wearing a burqa, and who some officials said was a woman, killed at least 43 people and wounded 100 as many of them queued for food that was being distributed by the United Nations food agency.

Most of the victims belonged to the local Salarzai tribe which supported military action against the militants and formed a militia to force them from Bajaur.

Source: AFP

Comments: It is good to see the Salarzai tribe rejecting the Taliban. They should rewarded and compensated for their loss. Sadly, it wouldn't be surprising if they aren't that much more enlightened than the Taliban.

Watch out for the possibility that the U.N. might be infiltrated by the terrorists.

The terrorists like to complain if there are accidental civilian deaths from anti-terror military operations and yet they deliberately target civilians.

Some new legal, moral and ethical standards, and rights should be devised to deal with such terrorists. The current moral, ethical, legal and rights framework isn't suitable and doesn't work against those that sink too low to be considered equal and deserving of the same treatment as the rest of humanity. [And why is it a heresy and blasphemy to question your dogma, and why should we accept it without questioning?] It is plain wrong to treat everyone as equal, without taking in to account the factual moral inequalities. And besides being wrong, this false ideology and mental handicap also kill innocent lives by preventing effective action against the killers. So there is an urgent need for reform.

The post World War Two framework was an excessive knee-jerk reaction to the excesses of the Nazis. They are both extremes and are not based on facts. The liberals and leftists exploited the Nazi excesses (while ignoring the equally heinous Communist atrocities) to push their everything-everyone-is-good-and-equal agenda, and today we are suffering as a result and are paralyzed and can't take any effective action, even to save innocent lives.

How we treat others should be based on how they treat us and others.

This is the Golden Rule of Jesus.

To not take into account how they treat others or us, and insist that no matter how they treat others, they will be treated according to some fixed and pre-defined criteria is not only blind, unjust, unfair and wrong, but is also deadly to all by endanger our lives. It simply allows the wicked to hide behind the rules and use it against us.

Rules are made to save lives. If they don't then they should be discarded and replaced with those that do. It is the same for officials, governments and leaders.

Our response should be based on facts and not some blind dogmatic notion of equality or false taboos and moral superstitions.

And we should be flexible and respond to each threat on its merit, and not on fixed dogma that has no connection whatsoever with reality but is based on fantasy and madness.

Some previous similar or related stories:

82 dead after suicide bomber sent by terrorist “beasts” turned Sunni mosque in Pakistan into a “graveyard” during Friday prayers [That's their standard]

US should invade if Pakistan continue supporting terror, says Muslim former US ambassador to Afghanistan [Even the state itself supports terror]

Pakistan Foreign Minister says nearly 37,000 killed by terrorists in the country [Terrorists "that offers no quarter, obeys no law and holds nothing sacred"]

Aid agencies to ask US to give aid anonymously due to terror threat to US aid [Boundless hate]

Four Taliban suicide bombers dead in attack on UN base in Herat, Afghanistan [The U.N. that is more concerned about terrorists than their victims gets a bit of it's own medicine back]

For similar or related stories posted after this article (if any), copy the title of this article and paste it in the search box on top of the page and click search or click on the 'Lables' below.

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