Saturday, December 11, 2010

Spurious legal challenges & small scale attacks before Souther Sudan Independence referendum in January – Brief Sudan history included

From BBC
Tensions are high in the run-up to the vote [next month], with the SPLM [Sudan People's Liberation Movement - the ruling party in the South that has now backed Independence from the Muslim north] accusing the north of several small-scale attacks on the south, while the military in the north has denied the charge.

the man in charge of organising the south's referendum, Mohammed Ibrahim Khalil, warned that opponents of the vote were trying to undermine it, by filing spurious legal challenges.

"The whole idea is to create confusion and give the idea that something serious is going wrong," he said.

From Rochester Post-Bulletin
The referendum in south Sudan, and a simultaneous vote in the oil-rich Abyei region to decide if the area will go to the north or south, are part of a 2005 peace agreement which ended a civil war that killed about 2.4 million people since 1983.

From Reuters (1)
Southerners won the right to choose whether to separate from the north and form a new east African nation in a 2005 peace deal that ended a civil war that killed at least 2 million people. Most analysts expect a majority to vote to secede.

From UPI
Many fear it could also trigger a new conflict between the north, dominated by Arab Muslims, and the south, which is overwhelmingly Christian and animist.

The historic referendum, scheduled for Jan. 9, is part of a 2005 peace agreement that ended two decades of civil war in which an estimated 2 million people died, largely from famine and disease stemming from the bloodletting.

From Reuters (2)
Sudan's north-south civil war was Africa's longest running civil conflict, flaring first in 1955.

Many southerners believe they are ethnically or religiously distinct from the mostly Arab and Muslim north and an antagonistic history of war and slave trading has haunted north- south relations since before independence.

Sudan is also the axis of the continent's Arab north-African and black sub-Saharan divide. Many will see a split as a wider failure to overcome those differences.

Source: BBC, Reuters (1,2), Rochester Post-Bulletin (Minnesota, US), UPI 

Comments: Race (Black south vs Arab north), ethnicity and religions (Christians and Animists vs Muslims) are involved here.

This shows that the general trouble is with Muslims and isn't related solely to any particular issue like race or religion.

Deniers typically try to frame problems in terms of Christians ('crusaders', 'imperialists') versus Muslims, but this case here provides evidence against such spurious arguments since Animists are also against the Muslim north.

And there is also the case of Muslim-on-Muslim genocide in Sudan's Darfur region as well.

Deniers also try to portray conflicts with Muslims in terms of race and racism, with 'racist White Christians' attacking non-Whites. But again, the evidence here is against such claims with Muslims being non-Whites (and involved in slavery) and Blacks being non-Muslims.

The appalling death toll of at least 2 million also shows yet again the brutality of conflicts involving Muslims. Bleeding hearts for Islamists are always outraged by a small number of deaths (compared to two million) deaths resulting from anti-terror operations and exaggerates its seriousness and toll but Millions of non-Muslim deaths, like here, are forgotten.

This also shows that such appalling incidents aren't something new, recent or post-September 11 attacks in the US. Things like these have been going on prior to 9-11 and stretch right back 1,400 year to Muhammad.

Everyone should learn from the example of East Timor and also Muslim Bengladesh, where Muslims carried out a deadly but unsuccessful campaign of terror in order to stop independence from Indonesia and Pakistan. There is a well established trend here.

Some previous similar or related stories:

Sudanese soldiers shoot in Abyei, attempting to provoke war to stop Southern Independence

Christians evicted from Church in Sudanese capital by Police in Muslim's attempt to seize land

Libyan president who tried converting Italian girls to Islam said to have sex orgies that were copied by Italian Prime Minister [Gadaffi had said illegal African immigrants might turn Europe "black" and make it into "another Africa".]

Video shows barbaric torture of Black Papuans by Indonesian occupiers in West Papua where genocide has already killed a fifth of the population [Another place where non-Muslims Blacks (Melanesians) are fighting for independence from Asian Muslim Indonesia.]

Was race a factor in the murder of a Black man treated like a slave by the homosexual Saudi prince?

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