Thursday, December 30, 2010

A Tunisian, 2 Swedish citizens (1 Lebanon born) & Iraqi asylum seeker arrested in Denmark, & a Tunisian Swede in Sweden, for plotting Mumbai-style attack on offices of Jyllands-Posten newspaper, that published Muhammad cartoons in 2005

From AFP,

"It is our sense based on intelligence that this is a militant Islamic group with links to international terrorist networks," PET [Denmark's intelligence service] head Jakob Scharf said.

Mr Scharf told the news conference "the plan was to try to gain access to the location of Jyllands-Posten in Copenhagen and to try to carry out a Mumbai-style attack".

"These arrests have successfully stopped an imminent terror attack, where several of the suspects ... were going to force their way into the (building which houses Jyllands-Posten) in Copenhagen and kill as many people as possible," Mr Scharf was quoted as saying in the PET statement.

.. three [of the four arrested in Denmark, except an Iraqi asylum seeker] were all living in Sweden and travelled to Denmark overnight. [One other person was arrested in Sweden]

Also at the Copenhagen press conference, Saepo head Anders Danielsson said the men based in Sweden had been under surveillance.

PET said police seized "plastic strips that could have been used as handcuffs, a sub-machine gun with silencer as well as ammunition" in connection with the arrests.


From AP,

[Danish Prime Minister Loekke Rasmussen told reporters] "I want to stress that regardless of today's event it remains my conviction that terrorism must not lead us to change our open society and our values, especially democracy and free speech."

The alleged plot follows several attacks and threats connected to 12 cartoons depicting the Prophet Muhammad published by the Jyllands-Posten in 2005 as a challenge to perceived self-censorship. The cartoons also provoked massive and violent protests in early 2006 in Muslim countries after the drawings were reprinted in a range of Western media. Islamic law generally opposes any depiction of the prophet, even favorable, for fear it could lead to idolatry.

Kurt Westergaard, the artist who drew the most contentious of 12 cartoons, said the foiled plot was "a direct attack on democracy and freedom of press."

"We may not and won't let anyone forbid us to criticize radical Islamism. We may not be intimidated when it comes to our values," Westergaard told the German tabloid Bild.


From Reuters,

Police found a machine gun with a silencer, ammunition and plastic strips that could be used as handcuffs in the attack that Scharf said was planned for January 1.

Danielsson said that the Denmark plot did not have any known links to December 11 bomb blasts in Stockholm.

Danish police detained a 44-year-old Tunisian national, a 29-year-old Swedish citizen born in Lebanon, a 30-year-old Swedish national, whose country of origin was unknown and a 26-year-old Iraqi asylum applicant, the PET [Denmark's intelligence service] said.

Simultaneously, Swedish authorities in Stockholm detained a 37-year-old Swedish citizen of Tunisian origin. All but the Iraqi were Swedish residents, it said.


From BBC,

Sweden's security chief Anders Danielsson said they had known for months that the group was planning an attack, but the authorities had to wait until they had enough evidence for a prosecution.

... many in the West have defended the media's right to publish the caricatures, and several European newspapers have republished some of the drawings.

Kurt Westergaard, the cartoonist who drew the image of the turban bomb, has been honoured with awards by free-speech groups, but he now lives under police guard amid death threats from radical groups.

Scandinavia 2010 Alerts

1 Jan: Somali man armed with axe breaks into house of Danish cartoonist Kurt Westergaard

8 July: Three arrested in Norway and Germany over bomb plot, apparently linked to Danish cartoons

10 Sep: Man held in Copenhagen, suspected of making letter bomb destined for Jyllands-Posten

11 Dec: Man blows himself up in Stockholm, apparently while preparing suicide attack


From The Local (Sweden)

The PET said last month that there were "renewed indications that terrorist groups abroad are looking to send terrorists to Denmark to commit terrorist attacks."

"Denmark and Danish interests are a priority terrorist target," the agency said at the time.

Source: AFP, AP, BBC, Reuters, The Local (Sweden)

Comments: They are trying to carry out a second attack in Mumbai too.

Where are all those naive foolish fantasists who let in all these Muslims immigrate en-mass, arguing that offering them freedom and economic opportunities will result in a tolerant multi-cultural society?

Forget the terrorists. All this is the fault of liberal-left's blind arrogant bigoted ideology. It is they who should take the blame and be stopped first.

Some previous similar or related stories:

5 of the 12 Somali men arrested in the Netherlands on suspicion of terror freed – 2 from the Netherlands, 2 from Denmark. 7 others still being held and investigated [Danish citizens arrested]

Court rules judges in Wilders trial suspected of bias, new trial ordered [Criticizing Islam as 'hate' crime, not only according to Muslims, but also according to liberal-left Islam appeasers]

Death threats against Swedish Mohammed cartoonist Lars Vilks by Swedish al-Shabaab member Abu Zaid – migration for terror also urged [Blasphemy case in Sweden]

Tunisian Swedish citizen carried out suicide bombing in Iraq and Swedish widow Anna says it's right and is proud [Terrorist Tunisian Swedish citizen]

Increased security in India. Pakistan based Lashkar-e-Taiba allegedly planning an attack over New Year's weekend according to intelligence reports. [Plotting a second attack in Mumbai]

7 al-Qaeda in Aceh members, allegedly planning Mumbai-style attacks, sentenced from 5 to 8 years in jail. 2 of them attacked US teachers, Red Cross and UN in Ache. 5 others trained at terror camp. [Mumbai-style is becoming quite popular]

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