Sunday, December 5, 2010

Asia Bibi (aka Aasia Bibi and Aasia Noreen) case summary - Christians unclean, pressured to conver to Islam, defending Christianity as blasphemy

 A brief summary of some main points from Asia Bibi's case from a TIME magazine article.
A group of women farm workers were suffering in the heat 

Aasia Noreen ... offered them water

[She] was a Christian, they said, and therefore her water was unclean — sadly, a common taunt

But rather than swallowing the indignity, she mounted a stout defense of her faith.

In a depressingly familiar pattern, [it] was twisted into an accusation of blasphemy

The district judge relied on the testimonies of three other women, all of whom bore animus toward her. 

Noreen had long been under pressure by fellow farmworkers to convert to Islam, her family says.

The Lahore High Court has taken the controversial step of saying that it won't allow President Asif Ali Zardari to issue a pardon, a move that legal experts have said is unconstitutional.

Christians are subject to vicious prejudice in Pakistan, where there beliefs are said to make them "unclean." Municipalities routinely advertise jobs for cleaners with a note saying they would prefer Christian applicants. And defending their rights is not popular.

While no one has been executed for blasphemy yet, 32 people — including two judges — have been slain by vigilantes.
Liberal lawmaker Sherry Rehman said that although the blasphemy law was unlikely to be repealed, the positive result from this case was that “It's not a taboo subject anymore”.

Source: TIME (Magazine) 


Where are those bleeding heart liberals, romantists and 'human rights' people, always concerned about the rights of terrorists, Islamists, Muslims and anything to do with Islam now?

And where are those moralizers who like using words like 'discrimination', 'prejudice', 'bigotry', 'hate', 'equality' and all sorts of other Newspeak words?

Too busy putting Christians, Whites, the US, the West, those fighting terrorism and those making legitimate criticism of Islam under the microscope to see the 800 lb gorilla in the room?

Oh and of course those hypersensitive Muslims that always gets enraged and protest any wrong, however minor, against Muslims are protesting now too as usual, but for Bibi's death this time.

There is a curious question as to why these discriminated and oppressed Christians don't use it as an excuse for terrorism?

The most important point from here is the fact that Muslims consider Christian defense of their religion as insults to Islam or blasphemy. But Christians who reject Islam need to explain the reasons for their rejection and those explanations would invariable involve showing how and why Islam is a false religion. And this is not to blaspheme but merely to explain one's belief.

The reason why this point is important is that there is a trend emerging in West where politically correct elites don't want anyone debating or criticizing anyone else in order to force through their dogma that everything and anything is good and equal so that there should be no choice or individuality (choice is 'discrimination') and that nothing is bad, except the questioning of their dogma by un-PC heretics.  

So keep in mind the Islamic blasphemies and the politically correct (PC) blasphemies, and note the similarities between the two.

Some previous similar or related stories:

Muslims profit from terror; New US military aid for Pakistan, on top of annual 2 billion, 7.5 billion pledged and 400 million flood aid

Muslim cleric Maulana Yousef Qureshi offers $5800 for anyone who kills Asia Bibi - he offered over $1 million in 2006 for Danish Mohammed cartoonists

Pakistan court rules Asia Bibi can't be pardoned while her court case continues, after lawyers filed a petition

Islamists massacre a Christian family of 7 including children in Pakistan

Asia Bibi's family in hiding after death threats, no immediate Presidential pardon and no repeal of the blasphemy law as protests held against her

Asia Bibi Update: Some Muslims considered water fetched by her, a Christian, to be unclean

Death sentence for Christian woman Asia Bibi, accused of blasphemy in Pakistan

Ex-Muslim Atheist Palestinian, Walid Husayin, facing life sentence for “insulting” Islam as some call for his death for apostasy

Musa Sayed, 45, and Ahmad Shah, 50, awaiting trial and facing death penalty in Afghanistan for conversion to Christianity from Islam

Abdel Kareem Nabil (aka Kareem Amer), the first Egyptian blogger jailed for criticizing Islam, al-Azhar and the government freed after a 4yrs sentence

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