As part of a "strategic dialogue", Pakistan is in talk with the US for new military equipments to fight Muslim terror.1 Pakistan currently receives $2 billion2 in military aid for this and last year Congress pledged 7.5 billion3 over five years to build schools, infrastructure and democratic institutions to turn people away from terrorism. The US has also donated about $400 million4 in flood relief for those effected by the recent flood.
This shows the injustice of how Muslims profit from terror. Due to Muslim terrorism, the US and others have to give aid and assistance to bribe and improve Muslims, in order that they will be pleased and will hopefully become a bit smarter and so will not support or become terrorists. At the same time, other more deserving people also in need of help gets ignored, or are denied of help they would otherwise have received, since it has gone instead to the Muslims, as there is no threat of terrorism from the non-Muslims.
Sources: 1, 3. AFP, 2. Reuters, 3. AP
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