Wednesday, October 27, 2010

US Muslim Abdel Shehadeh charged with taqiyya over his attempt to join terrorists in Pakistan, Iraq and Somalia

  Abdel Hameed Shehadeh, a US citizen born and raised in New York, flew to Islamabad in June 2008 to join terrorists but was denied entry to the country when he landed there. He lied about the purpose of his trip by saying it was to attend a madrasa (Islamic school), or an Islamic university, and to attend a friend's engagement party.

He then tried joining the US army in October 2008, hoping to get training, a weapon and be deployed to Iraq where he planned to commit “treason” by deserting to join terrorists. This also failed when recruiters discovered he lied by not telling them of his trip to Pakistan. He also showed them an old passport without the record of his travel to Pakistan saying he could not find his new one. He later admitted to the FBI that he had ripped out the Pakistani visa for his trip from his new passport.

Later that month, Shehadeh flew to Amann, Jordan, a country which borders Iraq, but was denied entry to the country.

 Shehadeh went to Honolulu in April 2009 and from there tried to fly to Dubai in June, intending to travel on to Somalia via Djibouti from there. He was unable to board the flight however as his name was on the “No Fly” list.

In October 2009, Shehadeh went to SWAT gun club in Hawaii and paid to fire various weapons.

In 2010, Shehadeh tried to have his name removed from the “No Fly” list by claiming he had renounced violent jihad and offering to be an FIB informant. He told them he once believed he would get 72 virgins if he died fighting jihad.

Shehadeh also ran websites, at first then later and, and had a Youtube account sunnah101, where he posted videos and other materials advocating violent jihad, including those by al-Qaeda's Ayman al-Zawahiri, Anwar al-Awlaki and Adam Gadahn. There was also a link to al-Awlaki's website at His email at was Mujahideen means jihad warrior. In a message posted on, the website of a New York based group that agrees with the ideology of Muslim terrorists, Shehadeh urged Muslims to exercise their free speech by speaking up. He also admitted that “in the land of the enemy of the mujahideen, Muslims can speak up and practice Islam freely.”

 Shehadeh also encouraged one friend to follow him to Pakistan, another to travel to Somalia and a third person to learn Arabic “on the battlefield” in Yemen. He told the first friend that “war is deception” and discussed a hadith [probably Bukhari 4:52:269] on the use of deception during jihad. He advised the third person to put porn and music on his computer before traveling to deceive airport security in case he was searched. These three became FBI witnesses and revealed Shehadeh true jihad terror motives.

Shehadeh was arrest in Hawaii but will face charges in New York.

Source: Arrest warrant for Abdel Hameed Shehadeh as posted on CBS News 

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