The campaign's organiser is 27-year-old Abu Rumaysah, who once called for Sharia Law in Britain at a press conference held by hate preacher leader Anjem Choudary, the leader of militant group Islam4UK [a banned Islamic hate group].
Mr Rumaysah told the Mail that he was unconcerned about offending Christians.
He said: 'Christmas is a lie and as Muslims it is our duty to attack it.
'But our main attack is on the fruits of Christmas, things like alcohol abuse and promiscuity that increase during Christmas and all the other evils these lead to such as abortion, domestic violence and crime.
'We hope that out campaign will make people realise that Islam is the only way to avoid this and convert.'
Sister Christine Frost, founder of the East London Neighbours in Poplar charity, said:
'If we said such things about Muslims, we'd all be hanging from lamp-posts.
[The poster has a picture of a silhouette of Christmas tree in the background, with the following words.]
The evils of Christmas
On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me an STD!!!
On the 2nd day debt, on the 3rd rape, the 4th
teenage pregnancies, and then there
was abortion, raves, claiming God has a son,
blasphemy, exploitation, promiscuity, night
clubs, crime, paedophilia, paganism, domestic
violence, homelessness, violence, vandalism,
alcohol, drugs …
In Islam we are protected from all of these evils
We have marriage, family, honour, dignity,
security, rights for man, woman and child.
Tel: 07591 987509 or
© Archant
Source: Daily Mail (U.K.)
Comments: Typical Islamic non-sense. Everything the poster speaks against, except for 'claiming God has a son' is condemned by Christianity. It is the liberals and left-wingers that promote such sexual immoralities, not Christians.
These Muslims have a simplistic human view of God and think that when Christians say Jesus is son God, they think that it is somehow similar to humans having a son. They think God is like human beings, which isn't the case.
If someone else made a similar poster saying Muhammad is the anti-Christ and that terrorism, beheadings, suicide bombings, cutting hands and foots, stoning women, sexism, poverty, primitive barbarism, genocide, rape, macabre death cults, hate, bigotry, retarded emotional intelligence, megalomania, paranoia, delusions, lunatic rage, mental retardation and low intelligence, just to name a few, were the fruits of Islam, these same people who made this poster would be extremely offended (even though such a poster would have a lot of justification based on numerous actual cases).
This poster also is making the usual claim that Islamic sexual repression is superior to the debauchery caused by liberals and left-wingers.
Unlike other monotheistic religions, Islams is the only religion that offers its followers sex (some women allegedly have big breasts), food and drink, served by young beautiful boys as reward in heaven.
They treat women as sex objects and as trophies to be won in Islamic heaven. This is sexism, lust and perversion.
Muhammad, the founder of Islam himself had over 10 wives, including a former daughter-in-law of him who became his wife.
Muslim men are allowed up to four wives and are allowed to beat their wives and children. In Iranian Shiite Islam, men can also have unlimited number of 'temporary wives'. This is the perversion, lust and sexism.
UK sharia judges and many other Muslims also says that there is no such thing as spousal rape and that a man can have sex with his wife even if she refuses, meaning he can rape his wife. This is the protection Islam provides to women. This is the sexual equality in Islam. This is the rape and violence that Muslims should worry about instead of criticizing others.
Interesting that the poster mentions debt. A recent WikiLeaked US embassy cable from the UK says Muslims are the most unemployed and disabled and unqualified group in the UK so they should worry about debt themselves first. It wouldn't be surprising if these Muslims made those posters and website with government welfare money.
And as mentioned before, Islam is a very pagan religion despite Muslims frequently criticizing others of paganism. Allah, the god of Islam was a pre-Islamic pagan god and the Kaaba in Mecca, the holiest Islamic idolatrous shrine and the place they face to in prayer was also a pre-Islamic pagan shrine. Sex in heaven is also a pagan feature found also in other religions such as Greek paganism, where even gods have sex.
All these pagan elements were combined with other Jewish and Christian elements and some of Muhammad's own ideas to create the religion of Islam. Islam is a cargo-cult or a religion created by people from less developed societies (pre-Islamic Arabia) based on the religion of more advance civilizations (Christianity and Judaism). They mix up bits and pieces from here and there and then create their religion.
Ahmadiyya Islam for example is a further continuation of Islam with a prophet claiming to be the latest and last messenger. Sikhism is also similar, combining elements of Hinduism and Islam, just as Islam was made with elements of Christianity, Judaism and paganism. In Christianity also there is Joseph Smith, who claims to be a prophet of Mormonism. So Islam is just one of the many cargo-cult like religions, although it has the most followers and is also the most violent, as can be seen in the daily reports of terror and other violence and hate, such as this 'Christmas is evil' campaign.
Expect politically correct double standards authorities to do nothing about this hate poster by the Muslims, or if they do then to do something token and inconsequential just to make it look like they are doing something about it.
Some previous similar or related stories:
WikiLeaked UK cable: Distorted Muslim view of life-world, blame game, double speak, 'moral equivalence' and, left-wing and media incite-excuse terrorism [They must have low IQ to have such distorted views]
Shahla Jahed, former 'temporary' wife of footballer Nasser Mohammad Khani, hanged in Iran for allegedly stabbing to death the 'permanent' wife [Unlimited temporary wives allowed by Iranian Shiite Islam]
WikiLeaked US embassy UK cable: Muslims most unemployed and disabled, some supports killing for Islam, and apostates (6 percent) [Muslims have some of the worse statistics]
Problem of Asian (MUSLIM PAKISTANI?) gangs luring and sexually abusing young White girls in Northern England but PC authorities won't admit [Muslims raping English girls]
Genocide in Darfur continuing with “silent” rape and fear says UN prosecutor Ocampo – 300,000 dead and 2.7 million displaced in seven years [Muslim-on-Muslim on rape and genocide]
Genocide accused Sundanese president Bashir says Islamic sharia punishment of cruelly whipping women like dogs in public is fine, vows stricter sharia if the South secedes [Cruel Islamic punishment, not protection]
UAE supreme court rules Sharia allows wife and child beating if no marks left [Beating is what wives and children get in Islam]
Iran's “barbaric” plan to execute Ashtiani, who was sentenced to death by stoning for adultery, condemned internationally [Sexist barbaric Islamic punishment]
Asia Bibi (aka Aasia Bibi and Aasia Noreen) case summary - Christians unclean, pressured to conver to Islam, defending Christianity as blasphemy [It is a death penalty offense to 'blaspheme' Islam while these Muslims go about wantonly insulting other religions]
Musa Sayed, 45, and Ahmad Shah, 50, awaiting trial and facing death penalty in Afghanistan for conversion to Christianity from Islam [It is death penalty for leaving Islam and converting to Christianity while these Muslims freely try to convert others to Islam in Britain]
Christian convert from Islam, Nurta Mohamed Farah, 17, killed in Somalia. Her parents treated conversion as mental illness & tortured her [It is torture and death for leaving Islam and converting to Christianity while these Muslims freely try to convert others to Islam in Britain]
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