Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Boko Haram [apparently] claims responsibility for Nigerian Christmas attacks. “war between Muslims and infidels. This is a religious war.” At least 86 dead, 189 injured in overall violence

From Reuters,

Boko Haram, a radical Islamist sect, said on Tuesday it was behind bombings in central Nigeria and attacks on churches in the northeast of the country that led to the deaths of at least 86 people.

[It] became active in around 2003 and is primarily concentrated in the northern states of Yobe, Kano, Bauchi, Borno and Kaduno.

On July 13, [its leader Abubakar Shekau] issued another statement expressing solidarity with al Qaeda and threatened the United States.

is loosely modelled on the Taliban movement in Afghanistan.

considers anyone not following their strict ideology, whether Christian or Muslim, as infidels. The group demands the adoption of Islamic sharia law in all of Nigeria.

From AFP 1,

The attacks would mark the first time the sect, which launched an uprising last year, had struck outside of the country's predominately Muslim north.

"O nations of the world, be informed that verily the attacks in Suldaniyya (Jos) and Borno on the eve of Christmas was carried out by us, Jama?atu Ahlus-Sunnah Lidda?Awati Wal Jihad [Jama'atu Ahlus-Sunnah Lidda'Awatu Wal Jihad], under the leadership of Abu Muhammad, Abubakar bin Muhammad Shekau (May Allah preserve him)," a statement on the site said.

The attacks were meant "to start avenging the atrocities committed against Muslims in those areas, and the country in general. Therefore we will continue with our attacks on disbelievers and their allies and all those who help them ..."

Jama?atu Ahlus-Sunnah Lidda?Awati Wal Jihad translates roughly to "People Committed to the Prophet's Teachings for Propagation and Jihad."

"Everybody knows about the gruesome murders of Muslims in different parts of Nigeria ... Jos is a testimony to the gruesome killings of our Muslim brethren and the abductions of our women and children whose whereabouts are still unknown ...

"My message to my Muslim brethren is that they should know that this war is a war between Muslims and infidels. This is a religious war."

Abdulrahman Akano, police commissioner for Plateau state, where Jos is the capital, cast doubt on the claim.

"Anybody can post anything on the Internet," he said, adding that the bomb blasts were not the usual method used by Boko Haram

The statement on the website also claimed responsibility for the church attacks.

Many attribute the unrest in Jos to the struggle for economic and political power between the Christian Beroms, seen as the indigenous ethnic group in the region, and the Hausa-Fulani Muslims, viewed as the more recent arrivals.

From AFP 2

In two separate attacks in the northern city of Maiduguri, suspected Boko Haram gunmen killed a policeman and retired police officer while three civilians suffered gunshot wounds, Borno state police spokesman Lawal Abdullahi told AFP.

This attack came barely a day after the sect claimed responsibility for multiple explosions in the central city of Jos on Christmas eve. At least 80 people were killed in those attacks and in reprisal killings.

The group also claimed to be behind the attack on three churches in Maiduguri on the same day in which six people were killed and a church was burnt down.


"We have gone around the five hospitals where casualties from the explosions and the violence that followed in Jos were taken," said Daniel Balarabe Gambo, deputy director of communications for the National Emergency Management Agency.

"The data we collated at these hospitals shows that a total of 80 people died from the incidents while 189 were injured."

[Some police say they doubt Boko Haram's claim of responsibility and claim the death toll was much lower, "but the emergency agency has insisted it was accurate."]

From AP, [NOTE: This site does not trust the writer of the AP story, Ahmed Mohammed. For more information on him, please read this article.]

A radical Muslim sect has claimed responsibility for the Christmas Eve bombings and church attacks in Nigeria that killed at least 38 people, and the group threatened new attacks to avenge local violence against Muslims.

"Therefore we will continue with our attacks on disbelievers and their allies and all those who help them," the statement said.

The radical Muslim sect is also known by a much longer Arabic name, which means "the organization of followers of the teachings of Prophet Muhammad and champions of Islam and holy wars."

Source: AFP (1,2),, AP, Reuters

Comments: Typical Islamic terrorist narrative (also believed by many ordinary Muslims).

Boko Haram apparently is now claiming alleged violence against Muslims as an excuse for killing Christians.

It's the usual victim-card excuse, based on delusions of persecution, cause by paranoia resulting from belief in conspiracy theories, for Muslim terror.

There is also the Islamic supremacy of trying to impose Islamic sharia law on non-Muslims in Nigeria. They don't just want it for themselves. These fascists want to ram it down the throat of non-Muslims too.

Liberal-Left and other Muslims will add the usual socio-economic narrative of social and economic factors as excuses for Islamic terror.

The real reason for the Muslim violence however is that they want to impose sharia (Islamic law) on non-Muslims in Nigeria and continue the project of Islamizing Nigeria (convert everyone to Islam or force them to live as second class Dhimmi citizens) that was going on before the arrival of the British.

And what's going on in Nigeria isn't limited to there either. Muslim supremacists want to conquer and rule the whole world under a global caliphate (Islamic state ruled by a caliph or Islamic ruler who is both religious and political head).

The Islamic jihad conquest of non-Muslim lands is something that was started by Muhammad himself and continued throughout history right up to this day.

This is not to say that there aren't any Muslim victims. But looking looking at the global picture, Muslims almost always are terrorizing other Muslims or non-Muslims. And they always have local excuses for conflict, where ever they go. So don't mention it. We already know the story, which is that Muslims will get into some conflict and they will have some excuse. If you take away that excuse, then they will come up with another complaint. It's all predictable, but why aren't psychologist and psychiatrists speaking out?

As it has been argued before, Nigeria should split into two countries between Christian and animist south, and Muslim north, just like it is about to happen in Sudan. After the split, a separation barrier should be built like in Israel to keep out terrorists, and strict immigration policy adopted so that traitor immigrant terrorists or those who want to bring their Islamic ways, won't be allowed in, like it's happening in the West. If they want to live under sharia, they can go live in a Muslim country that has it.

Some previous similar or related stories:

Nigerian history: There's been Muslim-Christian violence since independence. Islamists say all of Nigeria would have been Muslim if not for the arrival of British [So is the violence Islamist attempt to continue pre-British Islamization project?]

At least 38 dead, 74 injured in Nigeria Christmas terror attacks on Christians in Jos by Muslim settlers, Baptist pastor and 2 young men practicing choir killed, church burnt by Boko Haram, 1500 dead this year from clashes

Brief Boko Haram history and ['Islam has nothing to do with it' so there must be] a 'poverty excuse' for their terrorism (many allegedly sympathized with previous Maitatsine extremists)

Muslims with machetes kill 6 Christians - 2 women & 4 children - burn homes, crops and kill cattle in Nigerian

Last year a Muslim mob killed a pastor and his wife in Nigerian village of Boto in the mainly Christian Tafawa Balewa district of Bauchi state

Nigerian police chief says some police may be Boko Haram Islamic terrorist members tipping off police movements resulting in failure so far to stop them

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