Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Report by 4 US senators says Blair and Brown governments, Scotland and BP prostituted justice for Libyan (trade) money in releasing Lockerbie bomber Megrahi on false medical diagnosis

From BBC

The senators' report states that Scottish authorities examining the former Libyan intelligence officer relied on "false" and "flawed" medical prognosis that may have been influenced by a doctor hired by the Libyan government.

Mr Menendez [Senator Bob Menendez], along with three other senators, launched the investigation after officials from Scotland, the UK and BP failed to testify at a Senate foreign relations committee hearing, he was scheduled to chair in July.

"This was a case in which commercial and economic considerations trumped the message of our global fight against terrorism," said Mr Menendez.

From AFP,

Libyan national Abdelbaset Ali Mohmet al-Megrahi is the only person ever convicted over the 1988 attack in which 270 people, most of them Americans, perished when Pan Am Flight 103 exploded over the Scottish town of Lockerbie.

Scottish authorities, who have power over their own judicial affairs, released Megrahi, 58, on compassionate grounds in August 2009 after doctors said he was suffering from terminal cancer and had three months to live.

Megrahi is still alive more than 16 months

Titled "Justice Undone: The Release of the Lockerbie Bomber," the report found

political pressure and "commercial warfare" [900-million-dollar BP oil deal that Libya had threatened to cut off and a 165-million-dollar arms deal signed the same month al-Megrahi was freed] by the government of Libyan dictator Moamer Kadhafi played a major role in the decision [by governments of British Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown]

[Scottish authorities have dismissed the report by the senators saying it was an unofficial investigation.]

UPDATE: This addition is from Daily Mail (U.K.)

The report says the British government played a ‘direct, critical role’ in Megrahi’s release and could have prevented it but ‘chose not to’.

It suggests the two Scottish doctors who said the bomber had months to live had been influenced by three doctors who were hired by the Libyan Government.

The Senate report quotes cancer experts who said the three month prognosis was 'inaccurate and unsupported by medical science'.

It says the decision to release al Megrahi was made primarily by two Scottish prison doctors who had no background in prostate cancer.

Britain's ambassador to Libya, Sir Vincent Fean, 'directly participated' in an October 2008 meeting with Scottish government and senior Libyan officials to discuss a 'way out' for Megrahi, the report states.

He [Foreign Secretary William Hague, had] said British interests, 'including those of U.K. nationals, British businesses and possibly security cooperation would be damaged - perhaps badly - if Megrahi were to die in a Scottish prison.'

The report also highlights the role of the Government of Qatar who lobbied for the bomber's release.

It states at the time the Scottish Government were seeking to expand commercial ties with Qatar

Source: AFP, BBC, Daily Mail (U.K.)

Comments: Looks like a case of 'Justice for sale' but this isn't really about money, except for BP. This is appeasement to Muslims by the politically correct elites.

There is also the corrupting influence of Money, especially Muslim oil-money, that will destroy nations and civilizations, without any terrorism.

Everyone should watch out. Next time it might be your justice that gets prostituted for Muslim money, threats and terror balckmails.

This case shows why the simple left-wing, right-wing distinction don't work. Greedy right-wing capitalists would sell theirs and your soul for money, while the poor left-wing would betray out of envy and hate, or false dreams of a better world.

Finally, this is a classic case of 'victim-card', where the terrorist who killed hundreds, portrayed himself as pitiful and deserving of compassion and mercy. Bleeding heart liberals and left-wingers, especially, fall victim to this sort of con (trick). They have all the mercy and compassion for the terrorists but non for the victims.

Watch out next time a terrorist comes around begging for mercy and compassion, and starts talking about forgiveness.

This is nothing but blackmail and the British once again appeasing and giving in to Muslims.

Some previous similar or related stories:

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WkikLeaks: US and Karzai say UK 'not up to the task' in Afghanistan and ‘made a mess of things’ according to ‘dismayed’ U.S. General Dan McNeil [Pathetic British effort against Islamic terror.]

Problem of Asian (MUSLIM PAKISTANI?) gangs luring and sexually abusing young White girls in Northern England but PC authorities won't admit [Muslims turning British girls into prostitutes, literally but the authorities won't adimit]

Muslims profit from terrorism: WikiLeaked cable from UK says Muslims are “key audience” and “top priority” for charm offensive because of terrorism [Muslims get priority because of terrorism, and not because they deserve it.]

UK's MI6 'intelligence' conned by impostor claiming to be Taliban's Mullah Mansour – “naive” Westerners “excited so quickly” about peace talks [Typical British appeasement]

Qatar "hesitant to act against known terrorists" fearing reprisals and appearing to be too close to the US - WikiLeak US embassy cable [Information about Qatar]

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