Saturday, November 27, 2010

UK's MI6 'intelligence' conned by impostor claiming to be Taliban's Mullah Mansour – “naive” Westerners “excited so quickly” about peace talks

"My good friends, this is the second time in our history that there has come back from Germany to Downing Street peace with honour. I believe it is peace for our time [emphasis added]. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. And now I recommend you to go home and sleep quietly in your beds." - British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain just before World War Two (From Wikipedia


An imposter who managed to fool Britain's MI6 foreign intelligence agency into believing that he was senior Taliban commander Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansour1,4 has now vanished after being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to engage in peace talks.1,2,3

The man was flown on British C130 transport aircraft a number of times for “secret peace talks”,4 described as a "historic breakthrough",4 and participated in three sensitive meetings between Taliban and the Afghan government.3 He allegedly even met Afghan president Hamid Karzai once3 after being flown to Kabul, although this has been denied by Karzai.1,2,4 

The Americans - believed to have helped the British check him using signal intelligence1 – now say they had been skeptical1 of the identity of “the Brits' guy”, judging him a few inches shorter than the real Mansour.3

The man, now thought to have been either a shopkeeper in Quetta,2,3,4 a low level Taliban commander, a conman3,4  or a Pakistain spy,3 disappeared after an Afghan official who had met the real Mansour pointed out it was not him.1,2,3

Michael Scheuer, who until 2004 was the CIA's point man for the hunt for Osama bin Laden suggested a reason for the debacle saying2
the Taliban's strength and the U.S. administration's stated goals of getting out of Afghanistan has created desperation for successes.2
A senior Afghan official said1
"British intelligence was naive and there was wishful thinking on our part."1,2,4 [Something which this site has been warning about since the beginning!]
Mr Karzai's chief of staff, Mohammad Umer Daudzai warned3
"The last lesson we draw from this: International partners should not get excited so quickly with those kind of things,"3

Sources: 1. AFP, 2. AP, 3. BBC, 4. Reuters

Comments: This must be the result of politically correct censorship that makes it an 'Islamophobic' blasphemy (Geert Wilders, Thilo Sarrazin) punishable by death or imprisonment for life in some places (Asia Bibi, Walid Husayin) any questioning or criticism of Islam or Muslims.

If anyone expresses even the slightest of doubt, based on sound evidence, about Islam or Muslims, they are branded bigots and 'Islamophobic'. Everyone is instead brainwashed into believing fairy tales and swallowing whole the politically correct version of events.

So it would not be surprising if MI6 agents didn't dare doubt what a Muslim said in this case. They would probably be branded bigots and disciplined and given corrective cultural lessons if they did. (There were concerns about Major Nidal Malik Hasan before his shootings but nothing was done.)

This is symptomatic, especially of the British among the rest of the wishful thinkers, who in their immature and childish psychology, naively and arrogantly think that being 'nice' will solve everything. (There were reports that British troops were replaced by the Americans in Musa Qala, Helmand province, Afghanistan, after their be 'nice' approach didn't work, with Marine commander Lt. Col. Michael Manning saying, "They didn't pursue the Taliban," "We'll go after them." There were also earlier claims by US General Jack Keane and Col Peter Mansoor that the Brits left in disgrace and defeat from souther Iraq after a similar approach failed and handed the place over to Islamic extremists and as a result, among other things, '45 women were killed by the militia for "un-Islamic" behaviour'. So being nice to terrorists is not nice to their victims. The French intelligence even claimed their own capital has been taken over by the Islamists and called it 'Londonistan'. The British are only hard on other British and non-British who speaks out against Islamic extremism as the recent example of 'anti-terror' police John Larkin shows.)

 The case of New York city 'human rights' commissioner Omar T. Mohammedi, recently reported here, has been claimed by some to have happened as a result of similar problems.

This from the World Net Daily report
Debra Burlingame, sister of the pilot killed in the hijacked 9/11 flight that hit the Pentagon, says it's possible that Bloomberg was not aware of Mohammedi's background when he named him to the commission.

"That happens, unfortunately, as local governments cast about for someone to partner with in the Muslim community," she said. "CAIR and other similar groups have capitalized on the government's desire to engage."
And as for lessons, don't bet that they will learn anything. Dodo's never do.

There is a possibility that this conman was a double agent for the Pakistanis trying to sabotage Afghan peace talks. As reported earlier on this site here and here, Pakistan supports the Taliban with the aim of using them as their proxies in Afghanistan once foreign troops leave. But he could also be a Taliban double agent as well.

Finally, remember words such as "naive", "peace", "historic", "excited" and "desperation". They are words always heard before some tragedy or farce. 

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