Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Muslims burn Christian homes in the Egyptian village of Nawahid over rumors of relationship between a young Christian and Muslim girl

 Young Muslim men set on fire2 at least ten homes1 of Coptic Christians in the village of Nawahed on the outskirts of the city of Abu Tesht in Qena, Egypt,2 over rumors of a relationship between a young Copt and a Muslim girl. The attacks happened after the two were spotted together at night in the village cemetery.1 Officials say they are not aware of any injuries.2

According to the Associated Press,
Human rights groups say attacks on Copts are on the rise, underscoring the government's failure to address chronic sectarian strains in a society where religious radicalism is gaining ground.1
Sources: 1. AP, 2. Al-Masry Al-Youm (An Egyptian newspaper)

[It looks like those young Muslim men are just jealous. It's quite obvious why the girl is with the Christian boy and not with any one of those sore brutes raging with envy. 

 This also adds more proof to the fact that Muslim terrorism and violence aren't related to America or the West or this or that specifically as Muslims and apologists of terrorism disingenuous claim. When it comes to them, they always have some excuse or other for conflict and violence, no matter what.]

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