He had since apologized, without specifically mentioning the caning,2 but investigations are continuing and Basil's mother has asked for his dismissal from the school saying her son was traumatized and is now scared to see him.3
It is alleged that Fadeli had tried to keep the incident a secret by warning his mother not to draw attention to it saying it was a sensitive issue for Muslims.6 Loh Seng Kok, presidential council member of Malaysian Chinese Association (MCA) has condemned this saying,
"This trend of being expected to remain silent so as not to stir up sensitivities is a simplified excuse to impose one's religious values on believers of other faiths,"6
It also appears that Fadeli or others have been trying to deceive by claiming the caning was not for bringing non-halal meat but for a different matter.1
There also seems to be a third move by some to dodge the issue by questioning whether Basil legally is a Christian.4,5 His father used to be a Muslim and according to a decree by the National Fatwa Council of Malaysia, if one parent is a Muslim then the child must also be a Muslim.4
Basil, however, was raised as a Christian by his Christian mother,4 Angela Jabing Beginda.2 His father, Beginda Minda, is an ex-Muslim who said that “in 1999, I changed my religion. Now I am a non-Muslim”.4 This means Basil would not be a Muslim, even according to the unjust fatwa and so should still not have been caned, even by someone authorized to carry out the ridiculous punishment.
[Please note and recognize in the future - this is a continuing feature, a pattern - the use of "sensitivity" (it's actually infantile hpyer-sensitivity that quickly escalates into a storm of murderous rage with calls for deaths and gruesome acts of terrorism) by Muslims to intimidate others, the twists and turns to dodge the issue, the veiled (not straight forward and not admitting) apology by the teacher, and the twisted Islamic supremacist sense of justice that says if one parent is a Muslim then the child must also be a Muslim. These sorts of fatwas are not coming from some lunatic terrorist ranting while cowardly hiding in a cave and plotting to kill women, children and babies, but from government approved bodies of Muslim nations through democratic process.]
Sources: 1. Borneo Post Online, 2. 3. Free Malaysia Today, 4. Malaysia Star, 5. News Limited (News.com.au), 6. The Sun Daily (Malaysia)
Related story: Prayer to “merciful” Allah before slitting a conscious animal's throat and bleeding it to death in UK Halal slaughter
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