World Net Daily reports the following citing a New York Times article
Private Mannding, 22, was 'defined by his homosexuality from a young age.'
a place [Cambridge, Mass.] where he fit in, part of a social circle that included politically motivated computer hackers and his boyfriend, a self-described drag queen.
And now some of those friends say they wonder whether his desperation for acceptance – or delusions of grandeur – may have led him to disclose [the secret files]
[When he was at school Manning was]
opinionated beyond his years about politics, religion and even about keeping religion out of politics.
refused to recite the parts of the Pledge of Allegiance that referred to God or do homework assignments that involved the Scriptures
Sources: World Net Daily (Note: The World Net Daily article cites an article from the New York Times)
Comment: Very unsurprising. Angry, naive or misguided people, whether homosexual or straight, men or women, liberals, left-wingers, racial or ethnic minorities, politically correct wishful thinkers and others like them have an irrational desire to help Islamic extremists and terrorists, who stand for everything that they claim they are against.
Wonder if Manning or WikiLeak might have held back some material, such as on homosexuals, leftists, Muslims and Islam, not for security reasons but for PC considerations.
Manning sounds similar to Zachary Adam Chesser who has pleaded guilty to terror charges in the US. An article on him published on this site reported that 'A high school friend Drew Harrington said Chester was "always trying to find himself" and "just wanted to be part of something."'
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