Obama's previous talks of early withdrawal from Afghanistan, urged on by Dodo-like anti-war defeatists and naive pacifists, and attempts by Afghan president Hamid Karzai, who is from the majority Pashtun ethnic group, to make peace with the mostly Pashtun Taliban, have lead to fears among minorities there of being abandoned. Obama has since pushed back the start of major withdrawals to 2014 but this has not stopped some from seeking to re-arm, in case the situation returns to what it was before the U.S. arrival.
Abbas Noian, an ethnic Hazara legislator said
"It is very bad, America announcing they will leave Afghanistan. It has given more power to the militants, more energy. Already we minorities are afraid. We want peace but we are afraid of a strong Taliban,"The Associated Press reports,
Abdullah Abdullah, a close associate of the assassinated Massoud and loser to Karzai in the fraud-ridden 2009 presidential election, blamed the U.S. He said its talk of withdrawal emboldened the Taliban.
"People are rearming in some parts of the country," he said. "Who is going to protect them against the Taliban? NATO? Karzai?"
[ Despite this, those opposed to the war on terror will continue to do so as their opposition is based on blind ideology and not on facts.
Even when it is proven that things they claim to care for such as freedom, human rights and democracy are opposed by the Islamofascists, they will continue to support terrorists, both overt and covert, against the U.S., just as the earlier generation supported the theofascist ayatollah Khomeini in Iran.
This also shows that contrary to claim by terrorists supporter that the U.S. is an unwanted invader, there are those there who prefer the U.S. over the Taliban.]
Source: AP
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