Sunday, November 28, 2010

Finally some PROOF: German studies find religious and cultural roots to Muslim propensity to violence, PC excuses can't explain all – like so DUH!!!

Germany's Family Minister Kristina Schröder said that two reports commissioned by her ministry has found there were “religious and cultural roots to this propensity to violence” among Muslim men.

She said
Religion was part of culture and culture shaped behaviour

“We must not construct any false taboos here: there is a macho culture among young Muslim men that glorifies violence and which also has cultural roots,”

It stemmed from perceived slights upon their honour, which they defended with violence

“If someone made an issue of the disproportionate tendency to violence among young Muslims, it was always said that this was a blanket judgement. But that’s not the case,”

“Social disadvantage and discrimination are important factors, but they are not sufficient as an explanation,”

She also said that there were reports of growing hostility towards Germans with kids in schools frequently being bullied for being Germans.

Previously, Bavarian Premier Horst Seehofer has suggested stopping immigration from Muslim countries.

Sources: The Local (Germany)

Previous similar or related stories:

Deadly dysfunctional Muslim culture, past, present, future, and why democracy and modernization fail

Multiculturalism utterly failed in Germany, say German Chancellor Merkel

(Bad) Muslim psychology: The blame game

Problem of Asian (MUSLIM PAKISTANI?) gangs luring and sexually abusing young White girls in Northern England but PC authorities won't admit

German Muslim convert terror suspect Sascha Alessandro Boettcher deported from Kenya

Germany to punish forced marriages, common among Muslims, with 5 years jail

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