Monday, November 15, 2010

Ex-Muslim Atheist Palestinian, Walid Husayin, facing life sentence for “insulting” Islam as some call for his death for apostasy

Walid Husayin, 26, a barber and son of an Islamic scholar from the Palestinian West Bank town of Qalqiliya, has been arrested there for secretly “posting anti-religion rants” on blogs and Facebook. Ahmed Abu-Asal, owner of the internet cafe from where he posted his messages said he was caught after an employee there reported him to intelligence officials.

The Associated Press reports,

a potential life prison sentence on heresy charges for "insulting the divine essence." Many in this conservative Muslim town say he should be killed for renouncing Islam

"He should be burned to death," said Abdul-Latif Dahoud, a 35-year-old Qalqiliya resident. The execution should take place in public "to be an example to others," he added.

suspected of posting arguments in favor of atheism

Allah as having the attributes of a "primitive Bedouin."

called Islam a "blind faith that grows and takes over people's minds where there is irrationality and ignorance."

sarcastically declared himself God and ordered his followers, among other things, to smoke marijuana in verses that spoof the Muslim holy book, the Quran.

Two cousins attributed the writings to depression, saying Husayin was desperate to find better work.

Such "stalking" on Facebook and other social media sites has become increasingly common in the Arab world.

in Egypt, a blogger was charged with atheism in 2007 after intelligence officials monitored his posts.

a small minority has questioned whether the [Palestinian] government went too far

Source: AP

[ This comes only a couple of days after Asia Bibi, a Christian woman, was sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan, and as Muslim countries push for a global blasphemy law at the U.N.

It now seems common for Muslims to accuse those leaving Islam as suffering from mental illness.

Husayin is alleged here to be suffering from depression. Abdul Rahman, an Afghan convert to Christianity from Islam, was alleged by some to be mentally unfit during his 2006 trial for apostasy, which is punishable by death in Afghanistan.

This is similar to what atheist Soviet Communists did in the past with “Punitive psychiatry” that labeled those who do not subscribe to their atheist totalitarian ideology as mentally ill.

This probably still happens even today in the atheist communist North Korea which is in an unholy alliance with the Iranian Islamic theocracy and Syria by selling them nuclear and ballistic equipments.

And those Muslims pushing for global blasphemy laws at the U.N. probably also want to label anyone who criticizes Islam as suffering from the mental disease called "Islamophobia".

Muslims will no doubt will be angry now that Husayin "spoof the Muslim holy book, the Quran". However, Hussein Didi and his workmates in the Maldives thought it was funny when they spoofed not only the Koran but also Islamic prayer, while insulting non-Muslims and calling them "swine". Could it be that in their twisted minds, it is funny and okay, as long as it is directed against non-Muslim "infidels".

Husayin likened Islam to "primitive Bedouin" culture. This has been discussed in an earlier article posted on this blog that included criticism by the U.N. of "primordial" aspects of Arab [and by extension Islamic] culture.

An earlier article on this blog contained the following quote by Bob Siegel criticizing politically correct portray of Islam - “a popular notions that Islam is a wonderful religion, mostly peaceful, yet distorted and misrepresented by a few terrorists”.

The following quote mentioned earlier in this article that “a small minority has questioned whether the government went too far” in arresting Husayin, while “many” in the town wants him dead, supports Siegel's assertion that Islamic extremists are not a just a tiny minority as liars and wishful thinkers claim.

And this situation is not confined to the Palestinian West Bank either. The situation would be similar or worst in Hamas controlled Gaza, Egpyt, Afghanistan, Saudia Arabia - which had only restored Facebook a few hours ago after blocking it temporarily for some reason or other - and Syria where Facebook is banned completely.

Finally, keep in mind that Husayin might be let off lightly due to publicity. Do not be fooled if that happens as it will only be a publicity stunt. The important thing to note then is that the law will still remain intact with no moves to repeal it.]

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