Saturday, November 20, 2010

Plans to allow 'race-based' searches by the police in Britain canceled over fears of 'racial' profiling (But Islam is not a race)

  Currently the British police may stop and search, or
target suspects only on the basis of 'reasonable suspicion' they are involved in or plotting a crime.

They could not target specific groups - such as focusing on Muslims in the event of an apparent threat from Islamic extremists.
 But changes were proposed which says
while officers 'must take particular care' not to discriminate - there 'may be circumstances where it is appropriate for officers to take account of an individual's ethnic origin in selecting persons and vehicles to be stopped'.

Officers would have had to be responding to some form of intelligence, but not specific to the person involved.
 This proposal was dropped over claims that it would be discriminatory and amounts to racial profiling, and fears of abuse and breaking EU and UK laws.

Source: Daily Mail (U.K.)

Comment: It is ridiculous that Muslims can not be targeted in an event of a terrorism threat coming from within their community. This is not just with Muslims. If there was a threat from Christians then they too should be targeted as well.

 The issue of race or ethnicity, and religion also needs to be separated. Islam is neither a race nor an ethnicity. Terrorists come from all races and other backgrounds.

 Profiling also need not be based solely on race as Brigitte Gabriel argued, citing it's use in Israel. 

 And non-Muslims, such as Juan Williams, who is Black and has written books on the civil rights movement in the U.S., recognized this, and paid for it by being sacked from NPR by the PC censors.

 The PC elites appear not to want to name the Islamic threat and so are deliberately confusing it with race, to the advantage of terror supporters using the race card.

 Watch this space. When the next terrorist atrocity happens, they may regret it, or not, and say it shows the need to be even more PC, like the Dodos.

Similar or related stories:

Israeli style passenger profiling would make airlines safer than the new TSA checks, says terrorism expert Brigitte Gabriel

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Muslim censorship: Journalist Juan Williams fired for expressing worry of Muslims on planes

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