Sunday, November 21, 2010

NYC 'Human right' commissioner Omar T. Mohammedi did not reveal his CAIR past - he once proposed “discredit” the critics campaign

 World Net Daily reports that Omar T. Mohammedi, a New York City Human Rights Commissioner and former president and general counsel of CAIR-New York, “scrubbed” or “bleached” or “omitted his CAIR background from his biographical sketch posted on the human-rights commission website.”

 According to the FBI, CAIR or Council on American-Islamic Relations is "a front group for Hamas" and was an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2007-2008 Holy Land Foundation trial – the largest terror-financing case in U.S. history.

 During the so-called Flying imams case, which some claim was staged to bring a lawsuit, Mohammedi proposed launching a campaign to "discredit people" critical of the imams who were removed from a US Airways plane after staff and crew said they were behaving suspiciously.

 He also proposed charging the US and Israel with “conspiring to commit murder, kidnapping, property damage and acts of terrorism" for the 2006 Israeli counteroffensive that was launched after unprovoked rocket attacks by Hezbollah terrorists.

 He was to participate in a New York debate on airport profiling but has now been removed due to his past.

 Below is the full description of him, without mentioning CAIR, on the NYC web site

Omar T. Mohammedi is an attorney who specializes in employment discrimination and corporate and real estate transactions. Previously, he worked as an attorney with the National Muslim Merchants Association, and the law firms of Anderson, Kill, & Olick and Sherman & Sterling. He serves as President of the 9/11 Coalition for Constitutional & Human Rights and President of the New York Area Muslim Bar Association. He received an LL.M. from Fordham University School of Law and from Cambridge & Warwick University School of Law in England.

Source: World Net Daily

[Commentary: Would have been interesting to know what kind of 'anti-terror' advice Mohammedi might have offered, given that he once proposed charging those fighting terror with the crime of terrorism. There's a danger that he might confuse those fighting terrorism with the terrorists.

 This case sounds similar to that of another 'human rights' activist Amir Makhoul, the Arab-Israeli who has pleaded guilty to spying for enemy of Israel [not named but obviously Hezbollah] and was also accused of helping recruit terrorists.]

Some similar or related stories:

Arab-Israeli human rights activist, Amir Makhoul, pleads guilty to spying for enemy of Israel

Israeli style passenger profiling would make airlines safer than the new TSA checks, says terrorism expert Brigitte Gabriel

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