U.S. District Judge Jorge A. Solis has ruled that there is "ample evidence" CAIR engaged in "a conspiracy to support Hamas" and has refused a request to 'strike its name from documents listing it as an unindicted co-conspirator' in the Holy Land Foundation terror funding case.
The ruling was made in July 2009 but only unsealed on Friday.
CAIR was first named as an unindicted co-conspirator in 2007 and in 2008 the Holy Land Foundation and its leaders were convicted of leading a scheme to funnel more that $12 million, disguised as charity, to Hamas suicide bombers and their families.
Evidence against CIAR includes documents showing that it and it's founding chairman Omar Ahmad operated as key members of the U.S. wing of Hamas called ''Palestine Committee,'' and FBI wiretaps and testimony showing the presence of Ahmad and it's acting executive director, Nihad Awad, at a Philadelphia hotel room meeting during the last decade with Hamas leaders.
At that meeting, which was organized and led by Ahmad, they decided to deceptively substitute 'Hamas' with 'Samah' – a backward spelling of 'Hamas,' laid out plans to use Palestine committee to channel funds for Hamas, and to found CAIR as a front group for the media.
Despite these facts, media outlets, including Fox News, which is financed by the same Saudi prince funding CAIR, continue to invite CAIR, self-described as a “civil-rights advocacy organization,” for comments.
Source: World Net Daily
Comment: Yet another dubious 'rights' organization.
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