NOTE: Words in square brackets [] are comments by the author of this blog article and not by Peter King.
To some in the strata of political correctness, I'm a pretty bad guy. To be blunt, this crowd sees me as an anti-Muslim bigot. A spokesman for the Committee on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) denounced me last year for making "bigoted remarks . . . about Muslims and mosques”[Labeling criticism of Islamic and Muslim problems and hate as 'hate', e.g. 'bigoted'. Its a blasphemy to make such criticism.]
from moralistic condemnation to sorrowful rebuke [by Newsday][Moralizing trick. Unfounded moral outrage at any criticism of Islam or Muslims while ignoring far worse wrongs and atrocities by Muslims.]
barely a month after those [9-11] attacks that killed so many hundreds of Long Islanders, prominent Long Island Muslim leaders were insisting there was no evidence that al-Qaida was responsible for the attacks - even saying it could have been the CIA, the FBI or the Zionists![A bit of psychology: distorted Muslim views of the world, conspiracy theories, 'Muslims can do no wrong so someone else must be responsible such evils', blame the victim blame game and anti-Semitism. Important to note that this is not a tiny minority of Muslims that have these problems. It's mainstream with even Muslim leaders holding such distorted views.]
Even more troubling is that to this day, no Muslim leader has denounced those vile remarks. Nor did Newsday say a word about these slanders - no moral outrage or condemnation. No demand for an apology or even an explanation.[Double standards: Muslim and media silence when Muslims make hate remarks but loud outrage at even legitimate criticism of Islam. See hate-labeling above.]
As I became more immersed in attempting to unravel the radical Islamic threat to our nation and our civilization, it became more and more obvious to me that the moral myopia of Long Island's Muslim leaders and their apologists in the media was the rule - and that there were few exceptions.[Islamism is a global existential threat. Distorted views and political correctness are the rule among Muslims and the media.]
Federal and local law enforcement officials throughout the country told me they received little or - in most cases - no cooperation from Muslim leaders and imams.[Indirect support for terrorism. They may not be terrorists but they do nothing about terrorism in their mist.]
In the past 15 months we saw Najibullah Zazi, who was raised and educated in Queens, attempt to attack the New York City subway system with liquid explosives, using skills he learned in terrorist training camps in Afghanistan. We learned about Zazi by chance when his name came up on a wiretap. The case was almost compromised when a Queens imam - ostensibly cooperating with the New York City Police Department - tipped off Zazi.[Treachery: Taqiyya by a hate preacher Imam helping terrorists. Despite claims by leftists social determinists and some Muslims that poverty causes terrorism, Zazi here is a terrorists despite being in the US and getting an education. He wasn't living in poverty in some third world slum.]
a Pew Poll showed that 15 percent of Muslim Americans between 18 and 29 say suicide bombing is justified. I also know of imams instructing members of their mosques not to cooperate with law enforcement officials investigating the recruiting of young men in their mosques as suicide bombers.[Sympathy for terror is substantial and not restricted to a tiny fringe minority. And these people aren't living in some poor and backward third world Islamic country. They are in the US. These imams must know something about Islam and so must know that 'Islam has nothing to do with terrorism'. Why is it then that they aren't preaching these messages or are helping fight these allegedly un-Islamic terrorists.]
leaders who - for whatever reason - acquiesce in terror or ignore the threat.[As before, they may not be terrorists themselves but many Muslims, including leaders do noting about it either, and so are in effect condoning or indirectly supporting terror. This is a common problem that also exists in places like Qatar, Pakistan and even in Britain.]
[Caution: Peter King also said he isn't anti-Muslim. He points out that he supported Balkan Muslims including those in Bosnia, Macedonia and Kosovo against Serbian Christians [including Clinton's 1995 and 1998 military offensives], and supported Pakistan on Kashmir against India.]
Source: Newsday (New York) [Thought not referenced, see also the World Net Daily report on this story.]
Comments: The Albanian KLA that the US promoted was a terrorist organization and based on numerous concrete reports, some of their members allegedly killed Christian Serbs and their Albanian rivals to harvest their organs.
This is the norm with many Muslims. If their opponent is stronger than them, they provoke the opponent and play the victim card, even thought they are no different or far worse.
This should always be remembered whenever Muslims in position of weakness play victim card. They may be publicly playing victims while killing people and harvesting their organs or doing something similar.
Click on the tags to read about other stories of Muslim treachery, hate campaign against those telling the truth about Islam and Muslims, media bias and terror excuses.
Some previous similar or related stories:
US backed 'ex-terrorist' KLA allegedly killed and harvested organs of Serb civilians but nothing done - justice sacrificed for short-term stability [These KLA terrorists are who Peter King supported against the Christian Serbs. Look what happens and see what those allegedly pitiful oppressed Muslim victims do.]
WikiLeaked UK cable: Distorted Muslim view of life-world, blame game, double speak, 'moral equivalence' and, left-wing and media incite-excuse terrorism [Muslim delusions and media inciting and excusing terror.]
Ex-Guyana MP Abdul Kadir sentenced to life for JFK airport terror plot to kill thousands - spied for Iran, claims Islam forbid killing “innocent” people [Treachery.]
Finally some PROOF: German studies find religious and cultural roots to Muslim propensity to violence, PC excuses can't explain all – like so DUH!!! [Politically correct false taboos about Islam and Muslims exposed and refuted.]
Imam warned to be "different" when reporter visited hate mosque, says Ex-Muslim [Lying hate preaching Imam and (willingly) manipulated media]
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