Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Is the Associated Press writer Ahmed Mohammed biased? Didn't mention Nigeria's Jos Muslims were settlers. Christian natives as discriminators. History began when Muslims got attacked. Floats politics, ethnicity & economics as causes of violence.

Words in block quote or squeezed in the middle are from the Associated Press story written by Ahmed Mohammed. NOTE: Associated Press writer Njadvara Musa in Maiduguri, Nigeria also contributed to the Associated Press story written by Ahmed Mohammed.

It was not immediately clear whether the Christmas Eve attacks had a religious motive. Two of the bombs went off near a large market where people were doing last-minute Christmas shopping. A third hit a mainly Christian area of Jos, while the fourth was near a road that leads to the city's main mosque.

The explosions came on the same day that members of a Muslim sect attacked two churches in the northern city of Maiduguri, killing at least six people. Police have not said whether they believe the bombings were related to the church attacks. The two areas are about 320 miles (520 kilometers) apart.
It is not clear that Christmas attacks had a religious motive?

Duh! Can't he take a hint? Can't he guess or at least suspect that it might have something to do with Islamic terrorism against Christians, given that Muslims, who are globally well know for terrorism are involved?

Playing DUMB?

This is typical. Those who have had experiences with Muslims or have read about them will instantly notice something like this.

Religious violence already has left more than 500 people dead this year in Jos and neighboring towns and villages, but the situation was believed to have calmed down before the weekend bombings. The explosions Friday were the first major attack in Jos since the state government lifted a curfew in May.
Minimizing? (Down-playing?)

The figure of 500 is lower than the 1500 that local rights groups claim, according to AFP.

Ahmed may be using different sources but everyone should be alert for both Muslim and non-Muslim minimizers, who likes to cover-up, or down-play Islamic terrorism, while magnifying even minor problems that Muslims face.

The curfew had first been imposed in November 2008 during postelection violence but it was extended in January following clashes between Christian and Muslim groups. More than 300 people — mostly Muslims — were killed in the January violence in Jos and surrounding villages.
Delusion of persecution?

Many Muslims (Don't know about Ahmed here but this is typical and so something which has to be watched out for) have distorted views of life and the world (see WikiLeaks US' UK embassy cable) and believe in conspiracy theories (Even the Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan according to WikiLeaks).

They also suffer from delusion of persecution ('Islam is under attack'. See Somalis convicted of terrorism in Australia for the latest case) and so would be happy to mention or hear that "mostly Muslims" were killed in January violence, as it reinforces their delusion.

The other issue is the micro-context or narrow view or time frame, that Islamic terror apologists and delusion of persecution suffers have.

For them, history began when Muslims got attacked and lost or suffered damage. The usual tired example is the Crusades. Muslims and ant-Christian haters like to complain and demonize Christians for the Crusades. For them history began when Christians launched the crusades and ended when the crusaders were defeated.

They completely ignore the time before the crusades, when Muslims, starting with Muhammad himself, attacked Christians and non-Christians unceasingly for centuries and conquered their lands to create the Islamic empire.

They also ignore the Muslim attacks after the crusades that only stopped when they were too weak for more jihads.

The situation is also the same here in Nigeria. They like to magnify the fact that Muslims on this one occasion in January suffered more causalities (after provoking it by going and butchering Christians with terror attacks in the first place?), while ignoring the time before and after that, when Muslims (not all 100 per cent of them of course), who are well know globally for barbaric terrorism, committed far worse atrocities against Christians and probably animists too.

Nigeria, a country of 150 million people, is almost evenly split between Muslims in the north and the predominantly Christian south. The blasts happened in central Nigeria, in the nation's "middle belt," where dozens of ethnic groups vie for control of fertile lands.
Ethnicity-card? (Because Islam and being Muslims have nothing to do with it.)

Can't use race-card because they are all Blacks so try ethnicity-card?

The anything-but-Islam-or-Muslims explanation for anything bad. In this case ethnicity appears to be the scape goat used by the Muslims.

If there is something good then Islam and Muslims would get credit for it. Only the bad stuff gets explained away, excused and blamed on something else.

Ahmed also failed to mention (he forgot?) that Christians are the native indigenous people and that Muslims are the settlers. (Look at what Muslims terrorists do to the alleged Jewish Israeli settlers for comparison, even though Arabs are the real settlers from Arabia.)

The violence, though fractured across religious lines, often has more to do with local politics, economics and rights to grazing lands. The government of Plateau state, where Jos is the capital, is controlled by Christian politicians who have blocked Muslims from being legally recognized as citizens. That has locked many out of prized government jobs in a region where the tourism industry and tin mining have collapsed in the last decades.
Socio-economic excuses?

Local-politics, economics and rights to grazing lands are the scape goats here while Christians are demonized by Muslims for what is essentially a different position on immigration policy.

Muslims, who are legal citizens or born and raised in Western countries, with education, money, wife or wives, children, career and so on still chose to become terrorists and attack the same countries that foolishly offered them so much, thinking naively that such bribery and appeasement would work. The attempted underwear plane bomber Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian, wasn't a poor disadvantaged kid.

So those socio-economic excuses are easily refuted. The fact is that Islamic terrorists always have an excuse for terrorism. Take away their alleged excuse and there will always be something else. So don't bother.

Even if Muslims suffer some discrimination, this is no excuse for terrorism. Non-Muslims suffer much worse discrimination and terrorism from Muslims and yet they do not resort to terrorism (or if they they it is minor both in terms of number and savagery).

Also, if Muslim settlers are clashing with local Christians and animists, and bombing and hacking them with machetes to death, would it not be wise to be careful about appointing those Muslims settlers into influential positions (see infiltration) or granting them citizenship en-mass (see treachery by Muslim citizens. Not saying all. That would be too easy.)? Remember Kosovo and also think of Eurabia.

Source: AP

Comments: Remember, WikiLeaks US embassy in UK cable said that the media incites and excuses Islamic terrorism.

Could the same thing be happening with the Associated Press?

Who are the Associated Press editors approving these stores that Ahmed is writing? What are their political-religious affiliations? Atheists liberal left?

Just the other day, another Associated Press writer Jon Gambrell wrote a story about the Nigerian Boko Haram terrorists that included poverty-excuse for them, given by Murray Last, a professor emeritus of anthropology at the University College of London.

What is going on at the Associated Press headquarters?

Some previous similar or related stories:

Incoming US Homeland Security Committee chair Peter King condemns PC, media terror apologetics, Muslims acquiesce-ignoring terror, conspiracy theories, double standards & treachery

WikiLeaked UK cable: Distorted Muslim view of life-world, blame game, double speak, 'moral equivalence' and, left-wing and media incite-excuse terrorism [Muslim delusions and media inciting and excusing terror.]

At least 38 dead, 74 injured in Nigeria Christmas terror attacks on Christians in Jos by Muslim settlers, Baptist pastor and 2 young men practicing choir killed, church burnt by Boko Haram, 1500 dead this year from clashes

Muslims with machetes kill 6 Christians - 2 women & 4 children - burn homes, crops and kill cattle in Nigerian

Brief Boko Haram history and ['Islam has nothing to do with it' so there must be] a 'poverty excuse' for their terrorism (many allegedly sympathized with previous Maitatsine extremists) [Excuses and blame games]

Deadly dysfunctional Muslim culture, past, present, future, and why democracy and modernization fail [Blame game throughout history.]

ISLAMIC TERROR 101: A case study in race-card, victim-card, blaming victims & isolated explanations, using UK 'anti-terror' police John Larkin [Blame game with different cards]

Multiculturalism utterly failed in Germany, say German Chancellor Merkel [Muslims do worse compared to others.]

WikiLeaked US embassy UK cable: Muslims most unemployed and disabled, some supports killing for Islam, and apostates (6 percent)

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