[The terror cell was] discovered in February, where a military-style training camp had been set up (The Sydney Morning Herald)
[Militants at the camp] allegedly were planning terror attacks in Indonesia similar to those that took place in Mumbai, India, in 2008 (CNN)
allegations centre on the substantial funding Bashir's Jamaah Ansharut Tauhid [JAT] organisation gave to the terrorist cell. (The Sydney Morning Herald)
"He is suspected with illegal possession of weapons, sheltering wanted terrorist suspects and concealing information about known terrorists." (CNN)
"The harshest allegation is inciting others to commit crimes of terrorism," [said Muhammad Yusuf, the head of the South Jakarta Prosecutor's Office] (CNN)
Officials said Bashir knew about that camp, helped fund it and appointed religious teachers to provide the militants with spiritual guidance. Bashir allegedly appointed an extremist fugitive known as Dulmatin [now dead after being killed in a police raid] as the field commander. (CNN)
Bashir, 71, is of Yemeni origin and was a founding member of the Jemaah Islamiah organisation that was behind both Bali bombings and other attacks across Indonesia. (The Sydney Morning Herald)
the 2002 bombing of Indonesia's Bali resort nightclubs ... left more than 200 dead, including 88 vacationing Australians. (UPI)
[Jemaah Islamiah or JI] allegedly has ties with al-Qaida. JI, whose goals at one time included the formation of a single Islamic south Asian state, continues to be a major security concern for several other regional countries, notably Malaysia and Singapore and parts of the southern Philippines and southern Thailand. (UPI)
In 2008 he claimed that the first bomb set off in Bali was very small. "At most it shattered glass and didn't wound people, or at most wounded them a little," he said. The main explosion was what he called "a micro-nuclear bomb, not a regular bomb ... The bomb was made by the CIA, it could be no one else."(UPI)
Source: CNN, The Sydney Morning Herald, UPI
Comments: It is good that the Indonesians are charging Bashir, but the chief of Indonesian police General Timur Pradopo was the founding member of stick-wielding Islamic extremist vigilante group Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and there is also the problem of West Papua where 100,000 or 20 percent of the population has died under Indonesian occupation.
And this from a previous report
Human rights groups accuse the Indonesian military of killings, murder, torture and abuse of Papua's ethnic Melanesian majority and separatists in the Maluku islands.Bashir apparently (he doesn't really but is just making it up to fool paranoid gullible Muslims who like blaming anything bad on non-Muslims) believes the CIA set off a micro-nuclear bomb in Bali, and what this shows is the presence of conspiracy theories throughout the Muslim world.
In the latest incident, soldiers were caught on video torturing Papuan civilians earlier this year but no one has been held responsible.
Just the other day, Egypt's South Sinai governor, Mohamed Abdul Fadil Shousha was suggesting that Mossad could be behind shark attacks at Sharm el-Sheikh.
And a few days before that US embassy cables released by WikiLeaks showed that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Islamist foreign policy advisor Ahmet Davutogluwas were susceptible to Islamist conspiracy theories - some of them pulled from the web.
Also a few days ago, Anis Saputra, 24, and Kiki Hanafilia, 17, both married, were caned under Islamic sharia law for kissing each other in Aceh.
Could there be a link between the fact that Ache is a staunch Islamic province which implements Sharia law and that a terror camp was found in that sharia province?
Some previous similar or related stories:
Anis Saputra, 24, and Kiki Hanafilia, 17, both married, caned under Islamic sharia law for kissing each other in Aceh province, Indonesia
Video shows barbaric torture of Black Papuans by Indonesian occupiers in West Papua where genocide has already killed a fifth of the population
A burnt Koran among torched Ahmadiyah mosque and houses in Indonesia
Nominee for Chief of Indonesian police reportedly a founding member of extremist Islamist group [He has now been appointed.]
Jihad warriors attack shadow puppet shows in Indonesia
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