Wednesday, December 22, 2010

12 British men (5 ethnic Bengladeshis) aged 17 to 28 arrested in Britain for allegedly plotting terror attacks there possibly against the parliament and shopping areas

12 British men (5 ethnic Bengladeshis) aged 17 to 28 arrested in Britain for allegedly plotting terror attacks there possibly against the parliament and shopping areas

From AP,

A large-scale terror attack was aimed at British landmarks and public spaces, security officials said Tuesday as more details emerged and police searched the homes of 12 British suspects being held for questioning.

The men — whose ages range from 17 to 28 — were arrested Monday in the largest counterterrorism raid in nearly two years. At least five were of Bangladeshi origin.

The men were arrested in the cities of London, Cardiff, Stoke-on-Trent and Birmingham.

Possible targets that were scouted include the Houses of Parliament in London and shopping areas around the U.K.

Source: AP

Comments: UK is a terror exporter, for example to Pakistan (some British terrorists allegedly killed there recently) and also to Sweden, with the recent suicide bombing there. And long before these, the French called London, Londonistan, due to there being so many terrorists there and authorities doing nothing about it.

UK is in denial. Unless it ditches political correctness, things like these will keep happening.

It wouldn't be a surprise, if all these people get released without any charges being laid due to bad laws. It's typical, especially in the UK.

Some previous similar or related stories:

WikiLeaked UK cable: Distorted Muslim view of life-world, blame game, double speak, 'moral equivalence' and, left-wing and media incite-excuse terrorism [The previous Labour government said Muslim community itself need to do more to root out terrorists in its midst instead of making up excuses and demands]

Missile strike in Pakistan 'allegedly' killed White British Muslim convert terrorists, Stephen (Abu Bakr) and Dearsmith (Mansoor Ahmed)

UK to lessen some anti-terror laws, reviewing others

A religious female Muslim Trojan Horse assasin Roshonara Choudhry convicted in UK of murder attempt on MP [A Bangladeshi female terrorist in UK]

Somali born US citizen Mohamed Osman Mohamud arrested for detonating fake bomb thinking it's real during Oregon Christmas tree lighting ceremony [A Christmas terror plot in the US]

Sufia Begum, 45, dies after being illegally caned 40 times under Islamic sharia law in Bangladesh for allegedly having an affair (doctors said her kidney got damaged) [Islam in Bengladesh]

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