Thursday, December 23, 2010

3 Australian Muslims, 2 Lebanese & 1 Somali, (hate 'kaffirs' & al-Shabaab link) convicted of terror plot against Sydney's Holsworthy army barracks - Melbourne's Somali community supported the men during trial

From AFP

Melbourne men Wissam Mahmoud Fattal, 34, Nayef El Sayed, 26 -- both of Lebanese descent -- and Somali Saney Edow Aweys, 27 were found guilty of conspiring to prepare for or plan a terrorist act between February 1 and August 4, 2009.

"Islam is truth religion. Thank you very much," Fattal told the jury.

Meanwhile Somalis Abdirahman Mohamud Ahmed, 26, and Yacqub Khayre, 23, were found not guilty

From AAP (Australian Associated Press)

Wissam Mahmoud Fattal, 34, of Melbourne, Saney Edow Aweys, 27, of Carlton North and Nayef El Sayed, 26, of Glenroy were found guilty of conspiring to prepare for or plan a terrorist act between February 1, 2009 and August 4, 2009.

Abdirahman Mohamud Ahmed, 26, of Preston, and Yacqub Khayre, 23, of Meadow Heights, were found not guilty.

From The Australian

No weapons were found in the [police] raids. Police said the alleged terrorists planned to buy automatic weapons, but had neither the money nor connections to get them.

The jury was told the men had planned to attack the Australian army barracks at Holsworthy in Sydney, and to shoot as many people as possible until they were killed or overwhelmed.
Melbourne's Somali community came out strongly in support of the young men, describing them as “good boys from good families”, and dismissed fears that sections of their community had been radicalised by the extremist group al-Shabaab
Somali community leaders said the verdict [the acquittal of two of the five accused] went part of the way to vindicating the community's support for the men.
some of the men harboured deep antipathy towards Australia, with Aweys describing Australians as “infidels and declaring the Black Saturday bushfires were a punishment from Allah.

From BBC

According to a transcript read to the court, Fattal told undercover police: "If I find way to kill the army, I swear to Allah the great I'm going to do it."

From Herald Sun (Melbourne)

The home-grown terror plot was designed to bring a fatwa down on Australia and had its genesis in the seething anger among a small group of Muslim men, some of them refugees, at their belief Islam was under attack from the West.

They were believed to be connected with the Somali-based terrorist group al-Shabaab, and it was to Somalia that Khayre was sent to obtain a fatwa, or religious decree, justifying the attack.

The court heard when local clerics refused to provide a fatwa, or religious decree, to permit the plan, Mr Khayre went to Somalia to get one.

Much of the prosecution case was based on secretly recorded conversations between the men in which they discussed the plot and their attitude to the ``kaffirs'' or non-believers.

Mr Fattal tells his father he wants to be: ``The best one on Earth, the best martyr on Earth. The one who is killed by the false messenger.

Source: AAP (Australian Associated Press), AFP, BBC, Herald Sun (Melbourne), The Australian

Comments: What this case shows, once again, is that many Muslims suffer from 'delusion of persecution' (they are the ones killing and oppressing and yet believe themselves to be victims) and so do not acknowledge terror problem in their mist.

The problem is this delusion or distorted view (according to US' UK embassy) or way of seeing thing among Muslims. Such people are not rational and so can not be reasoned with, but still, some ways need to be devised to stop these irrational people from killing innocent people.

These Muslims also suffer from 'delusion of grandeur' (Saying things like 'Islam is the true religion' and hating the inferior 'Kuffar', 'Kaffirs', 'Infidels' or non-Muslims)

Despite claims by some that poverty causes terrorism, here we have once again Muslims, some of them refugees, in a Western country with all the opportunities and freedoms and yet hate the country that offers them so much and still turn to terrorism against it.

The point as Samuel Huntington pointed out long before 9-11 attacks is that
Islam's borders are bloody and so are its innards. The fundamental problem for the West is not Islamic fundamentalism. It is Islam, a different civilisation whose people are convinced of the superiority of their culture and are obsessed with the inferiority of their power —— Huntington's 1998 text The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of the World Order.
In a word 'Inferiority-complex'.

The real killer is not the Islamic terrorists. It is the political correctness by the feeble minded or agenda driven liberals and left-wingers that is preventing real effective action to neutralize the threat.

Some previous similar or related stories:

Christian convert from Islam, Nurta Mohamed Farah, 17, killed in Somalia. Her parents treated conversion as mental illness & tortured her [Somali culture, maybe not all but then it never is. It's Muslims who are killing and oppressing non-Muslims. Not the other way around.]

Femal genital mutilation and being sold into marriage as a young girl in film of Waris Dirie [Somali culture, maybe not all but then it never is.]

Al-Shabaab executes two "evil" teenage girls alleged to be spies and "enemies of Islam" [Somali culture, maybe not all but then it never is. Is this TRUE Islam? If not then Muslims should go tell them that.]

Somali pirates get a record US 9 million dollars in ransom for oil tanker Samho Dream, and are getting more violent [Somali culture, maybe not all but then it never is.]

WikiLeaked UK cable: Distorted Muslim view of life-world, blame game, double speak, 'moral equivalence' and, left-wing and media incite-excuse terrorism [They must have low IQ or are morally blind to have such distorted views]

For similar or related stories posted after this article (if any), copy the title of this article and paste it in the search box on top of the page and click search or click on the 'Lables' below.

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