Saturday, December 18, 2010

Last year a Muslim mob killed a pastor and his wife in Nigerian village of Boto in the mainly Christian Tafawa Balewa district of Bauchi state

According to AFP, "Sectarian unrest between predominant Muslims and Christian minorities is common in Bauchi and Jos, its neighbour in central Plateau State."

The information is from an AFP news report on the sentencing in Bauchi State of Pentecostal pastor John Nadrew, 46, to three years and eight months jail for illegal possession of firearms, which he claims to have kept "for self-defence following a series of sectarian attacks in the area."

Source: AFP

Comments: Despite the sentence, it is still a good idea to be well prepared against Muslim extremists, especially in northern Nigeria.

The mainly Muslim north jails a Christian pastor for being sensible, while the police there [in other areas] does nothing against the Islamic Boko Haram terrorists carrying out numerous murderous attacks.

Even the police there is suspected of being infiltrated by Boko Haram members.

It wouldn't be surprising if the police ignores weapon possession by Muslim attackers and only targets Christians who are only trying to defend themselves.

Some previous similar or related stories:

Muslims with machetes kill 6 Christians - 2 women & 4 children - burn homes, crops and kill cattle in Nigerian

Nigerian police chief says some police may be Boko Haram Islamic terrorist members tipping off police movements resulting in failure so far to stop them

Spurious legal challenges & small scale attacks before Souther Sudan Independence referendum in January – Brief Sudan history included [Another country in Africa where there is a conflict between Christian south and Muslim north with at least 2 million Christian deaths.]

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