Reference ID: 09LONDON27
Created: 2009-01-06 11:11
Released: 2010-12-14 21:09
Classification: SECRET
Origin Embassy: London
O 061155Z JAN 09
S E C R E T LONDON 000027
E.O. 12958: DECL: 12/30/2018
REF: A. 08 STATE 128186
Classified By: Political Counselor Rick Mills, Jr. for reasons 1.4 (b)
and (d)
¶4. (SBU) The following are excerpts from the UK's Office of
National Statistics (ONS), all data is from the 2001 UK
census unless otherwise noted.
-- Unemployment rates were higher for Muslims than any other
religion, for both men and women. Muslim male unemployment
rate was 13% in 2004, and for women it was 18%.
-- Muslims between the ages of 16 and 24 had the highest
unemployment rates at 28%; 11% of Muslims over the age of 25
were unemployed.
-- Muslims were most likely to be unavailable or not actively
seeking work due to reasons such as disability, being a
student, or looking after the family and home. 31% of
working-age men were economically inactive, as were 69% of
working-age women.
-- Muslims, both male and female, had the highest rates of
reported ill health in 2000. Age-standardized rates of "not
good" health were 13% for Muslim males and 16% for Muslim
-- Muslims had the highest rates of disability, with 24% of
females and 21% of males claiming a disability.
-- 33% of working-age Muslims in Great Britain had no
qualifications in 2004, which is the highest rate of any
religious group. At 12%, they were also the least likely to
have degrees or equivalent qualifications.
-- In 2006, controversy arose after 100 Islamic private
schools turned out to be "little more than places where the
Koran is recited," the schools promised to upgrade their
instruction and they are due for review in 2010.
-- According to a poll of 600 Muslim and 800 non-Muslim
students at thirty universities throughout the UK conducted
by the Centre for Social Cohesion (CSC), as reported ref B,
32 percent of Muslims on UK campuses believe killing in the
name of religion is justified, 54 percent wanted a Muslim
Party to represent their world view in Parliament, and 40
percent want Muslims in the UK to be under Sharia law. Only
2 percent of non-Muslims felt killing in the name of religion
could be justified and none believed it was acceptable for
Muslims in the UK to have a religious-based party, or to be
under Sharia law. 73 percent of Muslim students are at least
occasional participants in Friday services while only 2
percent of non-Muslim students attend any religious service.
The poll results also found that 73 percent of Muslim
students believe it is possible to be both Muslim and British
and a similar number believe their parents are "much more or
somewhat more" strict Muslims than they are. In addition
only six percent believed that people who leave Islam for
another religion should be "punished according to Sharia law"
Source: (Switzerland)
Comments: Not sure if those statistics have changed since then but at least it shows the history.
Muslims have these social problems worse than those from other religions and they also are the most religious.
This shows once again that the problem with Muslims isn't restricted to terrorism.
It wouldn't be surprising if young religious Muslims with social problems end up as terrorists, although terrorists come from all backgrounds.
Some will argue that social problems cause terrorism but this is not the whole story.
Social problems in Muslim communities are linked to their culture and religion.
And also, unlike Muslims, those from other religions who face the same social problems do not engage in terrorism as a result (or if they do then not nearly as severely as the Muslims).
The hight rate of marriage between close relatives among Muslims must contribute to the hight rate of disability.
Some previous similar or related stories:
Christian convert from Islam, Nurta Mohamed Farah, 17, killed in Somalia. Her parents treated conversion as mental illness & tortured her [Death for apostasy]
Musa Sayed, 45, and Ahmad Shah, 50, awaiting trial and facing death penalty in Afghanistan for conversion to Christianity from Islam [Death for apostasy]
Multiculturalism utterly failed in Germany, say German Chancellor Merkel [Muslims should adopt Western culture]
Finally some PROOF: German studies find religious and cultural roots to Muslim propensity to violence, PC excuses can't explain all – like so DUH!!! [Cultural and religious roots of Muslims]
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