From AP,
Al-Qaeda threats against Christians have led to Christmas festivities being cancelled in the northern Iraqi oil hub of Kirkuk, its Chaldean Catholic archbishop said on Tuesday.
"The Christians of Kirkuk will not celebrate the feast of Christmas this year, except for masses, which will not be held at night but at 10 am, after myself and 10 other Christian personages received threats from the so-called Islamic State of Iraq," Monsignor Louis Sarko told AFP.
[Previous attack by Islamic State of Iraq: Worse than “animals” Muslim terrorists who took Baghdad church hostage left 51 Christians dead]
Less than two weeks after the church attack, a string of bombings targeting Christian homes and shops in Baghdad killed six more people.
[The Islamic terrorists demanded that Christians make effort to free women who allegedly converted to Islam from Christianity in Egypt but are being improsined by the Coptic church.
Source: AP
Comments: At lest this has nothing to do with Crusader-Zionist Western White invading occupiers. Left-wingers and Muslims who love this excuse for Islamic terrorism must be disappointed.
Islamic Stat of Iraq's thinking is infected by conspiracy theories and they suffer from delusions of persecution (they are the ones committing the crimes but think that they are the victims.).
This is common among Muslims, even among those in the West.
This also show their primitive childish double standard supremacist 'psychology' and 'morality'. They are so upset about a falsely alleged imprisonment of two converts to Islam, yet a relatively large number Muslims, even in the West, believe those who leave Islam should be killed and many who do are being threatened, killed or imprisoned.
Their primitive mind is no different from that of a child who only thinks of itself and can't think of anything else and cries or throw up a violent tantrum if it doesn't gets its way.
They know of no other way of dealing, other than through violence and savagery.
Some previous similar or related stories:
Worse than “animals” Muslim terrorists who took Baghdad church hostage left 51 Christians dead [Previous attack by Islamic State of Iraq]
The “Devil's hand” terrorists demanded priest convert to Islam before shooting his head during Baghdad church siege [A second report on the previous attack by the Islamic Stat of Iraq]
Christian convert from Islam, Nurta Mohamed Farah, 17, killed in Somalia. Her parents treated conversion as mental illness & tortured her [Muslims complain but this is what happen to Muslims who convert to Christianity]
Still no sign of Somali Christian convert girl kidnapped by al Shabaab [A real kidnap of an ex-Muslim who converted to Christianity]
Musa Sayed, 45, and Ahmad Shah, 50, awaiting trial and facing death penalty in Afghanistan for conversion to Christianity from Islam [Two real converts to Christianity from Islam.]
WikiLeaked UK cable: Distorted Muslim view of life-world, blame game, double speak, 'moral equivalence' and, left-wing and media incite-excuse terrorism [Islamic State of Iraq terrorists too have distorted view of life and the world, and are action based on that distorted view.]
Conspiracy theories and blame games: South Sinai governor, Mohamed Abdul Fadil Shousha says Mossad could be behind Sharm el-Sheikh shark attacks [Islamic State of Iraq terrorists and many Egyptians, like many Muslims, believe in conspiracy theories and act or kill based on such false beliefs and paranoia.]
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