Tuesday, December 28, 2010

9 men charged with London Christmas terror plot. Addresses of US embassy, London mayor, stock exchange, 2 rabbis & 2 synagogues, dean of Saint Paul cathedral found. Parliament, Big Ben & London eye also possible targets

From BBC,

Nine men charged with conspiracy to bomb high-profile London targets in the run-up to Christmas have been remanded in custody after appearing in court.

Mohammed Moksudur Rahman Chowdhury, 20, of Stanliff House, Tower Hamlets, and Shah Mohammed Lutfar Rahman, 28, of St Bernard's Road, Newham, have been remanded in custody until 14 January.

Gurukanth Desai, 28, of Albert Street; Omar Sharif Latif, 26, of Neville Street, and Abdul Malik Miah, 24, of Ninian Park Road, all from Cardiff, have to appear at the Old Bailey on the same date.

Nazam Hussain, 25, of Grove Street; Usman Khan, 19, of Persia Walk; Mohibur Rahman, 26, of North Road, and Abul Bosher Mohammed Shahjahan, 26, of Burmarsh Walk, all from Stoke-on-Trent, were also remanded in custody.

From AP,

Among the potential targets of Christmas attack were the London Eye, the Houses of Parliament, the Stock Exchange and London's Mayor, Boris Johnson, it was claimed.

The court was told that targets for bombings had been agreed by the suspects before the police raids. The suspects had also conducted live tests on explosives.

A dozen men were arrested last week in London, Cardiff and Stoke-on-Trent in central England. … Three were released without charge.

The decision to charge them was announced early yesterday, with police saying that the conspiracy started on October 1 and continued until December 20, the day of the arrests.

The men are also accused of preparing for acts of terrorism, downloading and researching materials and methods for acts of terrorism, and carrying out reconnaissance missions and testing incendiary material.

From Daily Mail,

Big Ben was allegedly visited, while the Palace of Westminster was among other key landmarks said to have received their attention. The Church of Scientology headquarters in London was also ‘observed’, it was claimed.

They moved on to look at the Church of Scientology building on Queen Victoria Street near Blackfriars, before visiting a branch of McDonald’s.

After the arrests on December 20, searches at one of the addresses uncovered a handwritten note containing the contact details of six individuals, Mr Arnold said.

It had the full addresses of the Dean of St Paul’s and the Chapter House, two rabbis and their synagogues, the U.S. Embassy, London Stock Exchange and the work address of Boris Johnson [mayor of London].

Source: AP, BBC, Daily Mail (U.K.)

Comments: Interesting that the terror accused had a look at Scientology building.

Some previous similar or related stories:

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