Monday, December 27, 2010

Twin suicide bombings kill 7, injure 30 in Iraq. A minibus car bomb then a suicide bomber attacked the gathered crowd - a hallmark tactic of al-Qaida

From AP,

The first blast occurred when a suicide bomber drove a minibus packed with explosives into the entrance of the main government compound of the city, said official spokesman Mohammed Fathi.

As people gathered to observe the destruction, another man detonated his explosive vest in their midst, said police and hospital officials.

The officials said in addition to the seven dead, another 30 people were injured by the blasts. Consecutive blasts meant to catch bystanders and rescue personnel became a hallmark of al-Qaida's tactics in Iraq in the past few years.

Ramadi is the seat of the Anbar provincial government and used to be a stronghold of al-Qaida. But recently, local militias have managed to bring a measure of calm to the city and province.

Source: AP

Comments: Pure calculated evil. At least they aren't after the Christians this time. These terrorists don't represent the people. They are trying to kill the people.

Some previous similar or related stories:

Christians in northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk cancel Christmas celebrations after threats by the 'worse than animals' Al-Qaeda affiliated Islamic State of Iraq

Bomb attacks against Shiite Iranian pilgrims in Iraq kill 8 and injure 52

A car bomb attack on shoppers in Baghdad's Shiite neighborhood of Baiyaa kills 6 and injures 42

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