In December 2007, Venezuela created its own time zone and moved the local time half an hour back.2
Due to this time change, a crew member made an in-flight announcement informing passenger to adjust their clocks to "local" Chavez time.2
Passenger Nestor Maldonado, however, alleged that the announcer “insulted” Chavez, which became illegal in 2006, by saying “Loco” Chavez time (loco means crazy in Spanish) and reported it to his friend, Venezuelan National Assemblyman Carlos Echezuria Rodriguez, who in turn reported it to Vice President Ramon Carrizalez.2
The detainees was later released on Oct. 1 after an apology by American Airlines Country Manager Omar Nottaro.2
They left immediately without completing the return flight out of Caracas after refueling and in the process incurred a considerable loss.2
The U.S. embassy later learned that Venezuelan immigration authorities alleged "the hour of the crazy Chavez and his women" was said by the announcer.2
The embassy said the incident showed1
"how heightened sensitivities are ... when a chance remark escalates within minutes to the level of the Venezuelan Vice Presidency."1
Source: 1. AP, 2. World Net Daily
Comments: The issues here are secular blasphemy (blasphemy of a non-religious kind coming usually from atheists and other groups that want 'special rights'), hypersensitivity and anti-free speech tendencies - traits which are also common among Islamists.
The anti-American left-wing Hugo Chavez is in an 'Unholy alliance' with Iran and in both countries it is a crime to "insult" the president.
Just the other day, Iranian journalist Mashallah Shamsolvaezin was jailed for insulting (megalomaniac or crazy) Iranian president Ahmadinejad.
Undermining the establishment is also a crime in Iran, as is 'insulting' Islam (religious blasphemy).
Chavez is not a Muslim but his religion is communism and so he probably would like to make it a crime of blasphemy to 'insult' or question, the 'the Party' (communist party) or its ideology.
See the similarities between the two hypersensitive totalitarian ideologies; Islamofascists and Left-fascists? (They like going around labeling people who don't agree with them as fascists when it is they who are the real fascists for persecuting heretics from their orthodoxy.)
Politically correct elites in the West and their lackeys - censoring officials and the thought police would no doubt want something similar.
Its already creeping up under cover of the false taboos of 'hate speech' and 'Islamophobia'.
[NOTE: The author is not against left wing thought or Islam simply because they are left wing or Islam. The criticism of them is based instead on their negative and deadly practical effects that are being reported daily - a few of which are recorded here on this blog. The main focus of this blog is not politics or religious study, although these issues do come up frequently in relation to the violence they inspire among many.]
Some previous similar or related stories:
Hugo Chavez and Iran in an Unholy alliance [South American Left-wing and Islamist Axis]
Iranian journalist Mashallah Shamsolvaezin jailed for insulting (megalomaniac or crazy) President Ahmadinejad & undermining establishment
Bolivia's Morales defiant against the US over its ties to the Iranians who have just been told to leave by their former Gambian allies [South American Left-wing and Islamist Axis]
COVER-UP: Brazil denies terrorism threat as it is “extremely sensitive” towards Muslim community in the country – WikiLeaks US embassy cables
Asia Bibi (aka Aasia Bibi and Aasia Noreen) case summary - Christians unclean, pressured to conver to Islam, defending Christianity as blasphemy
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