From World Net Daily
The United Nations is now joining the Obama administration and Democratic commissioners on the FCC in an attempt to regulate the Internet, Jerome Corsi's Red Alert reports.
"The U.N. [uncomfortable with anything like the Internet that the globalists cannot control] is reacting to concerns of member governments, including the United States, that the Internet has made companies like WikiLeaks possible, while the FCC is more concerned about conservative news outlets on the Internet that are increasingly undermining government attempts to control the news through sympathetic mainstream media outlets," Corsi wrote.
The U.N. claims authority to regulate the Internet under a U.N. Economic and Social Council resolution passed in July
Source: World Net Daily
Comments: It would be a good thing if they would stop Islamic extremist and terrorist site but they won't. They will only go after those who criticize Islamic extremism and left-wing (but not exclusively) tyranny.
Islamic nations want global blasphemy laws to stop the ugly truth about problems with Islam and Muslims from being exposed.
Left-winger also want secular blasphemy laws to stop people knowing the truth about their totalitarian ideology that denies people choice and freedom.
The two ideologies, Islamofascism and Left-wing totalitarianism, are both the same underneath, despite differences on the surface with one being religious (Islamic) and the other being secualr (atheist).
This site has been warning about secular blasphemy laws, regulations and intimidations, pushed mostly by the liberal left, creeping up in the West.
This latest development is just part of this trend.
The politically correct elites will label any criticism of them or Islam and Muslims, and any other groups, more equal than others and thus are given 'special rights' and privileges as 'hate' but won't do anything about the real hate coming from those same groups.
Some previous similar or related stories:
Days after Pakistan sentenced Christian woman to death for blasphemy, Muslim countries will vote again at the UN for global blasphemy law [Global Islamic blasphemy law to stop anyone exposing the ugly, macabre, bloody and death obsessed truths.]
WikiLeaked UK cable: Distorted Muslim view of life-world, blame game, double speak, 'moral equivalence' and, left-wing and media incite-excuse terrorism [Terror loving mainstream media]
Hugo Chavez, left-wing Venezuelan president, ally of Iranian Islamic theocracy, gets autocratic powers, Internet censorship laws and pro-government supreme court judges [Left-wing secular blasphemy law to regulate the internet]
Venezuela detained American Airlines crew in 2008 for allegedly “insulting” 'loco' or crazy Chavez (which is illegal) - Wikileaks cable [Secular blasphemy law]
Iranian Nazi site IranNazi.Ir unblocked by Iran’s Ministry of Culture and Islamic guidance after a brief ban [Around 5 million web sites are banned in Iran, but not this Nazi site. Selective censorship, which is exactly what will happen in the West if those blasphemy laws are passed.]
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