"We have never used our force against our neighbours and never will because our neighbours are Muslims"The conference was opened by US secretary of state Hillary Clinton and those speaking there includes Jordan's King Abdullah II.
Sources: AFP
Comment: Oh, so violence is allowed only against non-Muslims? How un-politically correct of Mottaki to say such things. If a Christian leader had said something similar, Muslims and PC censors would be outraged. But since it was said by a Muslim, everyone is quite and there is no criticism.
This shows the double standard of many Muslims and the politically correct elite censors. They will unfairly and harshly criticize and condemn with righteous indignation, non-Muslim over even something minor and insignificant but won't say a word against Muslims for exactly the same thing or something far worst.
This also proves yet again the Islamic supremacist beliefs held by many Muslims, who consider non-Muslims as inferior. Other recent examples includes the belief among some Pakistani Muslims that water carried by Asia Bibi, a Christian woman, was unclean, and a fatwa by the National Fatwa Council of Malaysia that a child must be considered a Muslim even if only one parent was a Muslim.
Some previous similar or related stories:
Asia Bibi Update: Some Muslims considered water fetched by her, a Christian, to be unclean
Alleged Iranian agent Mohammad Reza Sadeghnia tired to hire a hitman to kill a critic of Iranian regime in the US and spied on another in the UK
Asia Bibi's family in hiding after death threats, no immediate Presidential pardon and no repeal of the blasphemy law as protests held against her [Includes the quote "an attitude of superiority among the majority-Muslim population, that it is somehow ok to mistreat Christians"]
WikiLeaks summary - Saudis donors fund terrorists, Saudi king wants Iranian snake's head cut off, Iranian Red Crescent is a front group for Iran
(Bad) Muslim psychology: The blame game
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